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World record breaker.

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Last summer a couple of friends from this forum,(Fuzz and spinal tap) got 8 30 pounders in one hour, at 50 feet depth in a Wreck. Nate has got one before in the Cerralvo Island (same place of the featured record) at about 60 feet. In las animas you get those in just 20 feet depth, that depends on the spot and the day. (they have the pics)
W.R: Atlantic cubera snapper Lutjanus cyanopterus 42.6 kg. 93.8 lbs. Manuel Menendez II 2004-05-08 UNITED STATES
At about the same time of this cubera I was fortunate to get a 73# pacific cubera. Mine was speared on July 17, 2006. The other cubera in one of the pictures had the bad luck of showing up before the really big one, and was also invited for dinner. It was not weighed.

Since I'm the photographer, I don't have really good pictures of me with the fish, so I will post one that shows the size.

The fish was at probably 27 - 30 meters deep and I shot at 23 meters straigh down. The fish never felt a thing and just went sideways. The 3/8 shaft went into the head some 30cm and the tip was embeded into the brain. It was hell getting it out.

This pargo made 21st century record as the world record is at over 80# and was speared in 1960 or so.

I'm the one in the picture with all the equipment, just for size comparison, the gun is 183cm.


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