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world records...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Phat not fat!
Feb 12, 2002
Does anyone know where I can find up to date info on world records for different freediving disciplines? I read somewhere that the static record was 8 min something. But on Deeperblue it says "Mandy-Rae Cruickshank has set a new Static Apnea World Record time of 6 minutes 16 seconds". Are these records for male and female respectively? Also does each different freediving organisation (ie IAFD, BFA etc) hold different 'world' records depending who witnessed the event?


P.S. England: 1, Argentina: 0 WOO HOO!!!!
Originally posted by porky
Does anyone know where I can find up to date info on world records for different freediving disciplines? I read somewhere that the static record was 8 min something. But on Deeperblue it says "Mandy-Rae Cruickshank has set a new Static Apnea World Record time of 6 minutes 16 seconds". Are these records for male and female respectively? Also does each different freediving organisation (ie IAFD, BFA etc) hold different 'world' records depending who witnessed the event?

Yes, she took the AIDA woman's static record. Martin Stepanek (sp?) still holds the men's static record at 8'06". Incidentally he tied the men's 181m fins dynamic last week, but samba'd on his 2nd attempt (well past the 181m mark, I might add).

I believe Tom keeps the http://www.freedivecanada.com/ site up to date. Right Tom?
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