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World's first full-face snorkel-mask standard reaches approval stage


Vintage snorkeller
Jan 5, 2007
The British Standards Institution has been developing a national standard for full-face snorkel-masks. The original proposal dates from October-November 2022 and the project has now reached the approval stage, with just publication to follow. The British Standard will be entitled "BS 8647:2024 Respiratory equipment – Full-face snorkel masks – Specification and test method". Details at BS 8647:2024 Respiratory equipment – Full-face snorkel masks – Specification and test method.

If I had known about this BSI project a year and a half ago, I would have contributed several suggestions for inclusion in the final text. One would have been that half-face snorkel-masks should have been included in the remit. This from the October/November 2022 proposal:

Scope. This British Standard specifies safety requirements in order to increase safety in the use of full-face snorkel masks (FFSM) for swimmers. This British Standard is applicable to full face snorkel masks, which allow the user to breathe at the water surface while floating with the face submerged. It covers full face snorkel masks used by swimmers.

Purpose. These products are being used in the leisure industry however serious accidents have occurred some resulting in fatalities. There is no standard or guidance for the manufacture of these products and cheap, sub-standard product is on the market. This standard will provide the benchmark safety standard for this equipment which will be taken into account by manufacturers in the design and production of the equipment and by consumers and users when deciding on the purchase of equipment. The production of equipment that meets the proposed standard will enhance user confidence.
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This is good. I know a lot of divers like to bash full face snorkels, and some of those snorkels certainly have problems, but there's definitely a need for safe full face snorkels for people who have TMJ or other issues that prevent them from being able to use a traditional snorkel.
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