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Wrecks in the Great Lakes

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Washington island has a nice wreck off of School House beach- I think it's called the Louisiana. She starts in 2' of water and goes down to 25'. In the late summer the water in the bay gets up int the mid 70's.

There are two ways to do the Milwaukee area. First I could organize a boat, but we need to make sure we have at least 6 freedivers.

The second, easier, way would be to hit the south shore of the city, off of Bayview, and hit a couple of shipwrecks, like the Volunteer and the Sebastopol, then go out to the wall and spear some carp. This would be shallow enough for all and would just require a short walk down a hill and a bit longer swim out to the wall- one of the wrecks is on both sides of the wall. This would also require dive flags for everyone but the depths are nice for everyone to enjoy.

The second way could accomodate any number of divers, and their families, and has a nce swimming beach in the August for kids. The water here can get as high as 74 degrees later on in the summer.

As with anything on Lake Michigan, it is realy weather dependent. If the wind is right it is great ad if the wind is wrong it's better for surfing- yes, there is an active surfing group on Lake Michigan.

Wow, sign me up, too! Milwaukee's a bit of a haul...about 9 hrs or so...but still managable for a great weekend of freediving!

This is from a little fishing tug right off a public beach here in Traverse City. You can actually stand in waste deep water about 50 feet from it - then there is an abrupt drop off to 25 or 30 feet.
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Why don't you look at your calendar & pick a date in August that would work for you. May want to check the Milwaukee calendar to be certain there are not any big events going on...although, it might be nice to combine it with something else too. I'm willing to co-host if you want, or perhaps we can do divide things up with Maytag.

I like the idea of the Second option where the family could come & play on the beach too. The wrecks will be cool and to combine it with a carp shoot, would be awsome. Perhaps a 2 hr carp contest from 1:00 - 3:00 for pairs of spearfishermen???...most poundage wins. :martial

Everyone would need to provide their own dive bouys & equipment...I'm sure some of us would have some "extra" items that others could use.

Let me know your thoughts.

I'm willing to co-host if you want, or perhaps we can do divide things up with Maytag.
Definitely please let me know what I can do! You guys do so much already, I would like to help. Up front, I have to admit my limitations with apologies: I don't drive; don't know for sure I can make it; and don't have a lot of equipment (I have only fins now, but by then will have a mask and snorkel at least to share with anyone who wants to try them!). If I can come, I will pack a couple dishes that can travel via train with me.

If there are logistical things to look into, e-mails, reminders etc. to send out, reservations or permits that need to be arranged, I can do that! Just let me know how I can help you.

Okay, maybe this is a silly idea, (nix the maybe, it is unabashedly silly but... )what would you think about an annual wreckapalooza T-Shirt? It could have pictures/drawings, names and coordinates of the wrecks we dive? :girlieFun souvenir for the whole family...?
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Hey Jon, Fondue, probably you know this already but, just in case: Scuba Diving magazine is asking for readers contributions for an upcoming issue that will feature the most spectacular wrecks from all over the world. They are announcing it as "Wrectacular". The problem is the deadline for receiving pictures is next tuesday (jan 16th). But you can email them, so, why not submit your best ones?
I just found this video about the "Windiate", the wreck I mentioned at the beginning of this thread. It shows how well preserved it is, despite being at the bottom of the Huron for more than 130 years. The video is of very good quality so you can see it in full screen if you want. Just click on the button at the lower right corner of the screen. Spectacular.
YouTube - Diving the Schooner "Windiate" - Dale Kreiner
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I'm a graphic artist, and I've actually designed T's for functions before...I'd GLADLY come up with a fun design for shirts! It's been WAY too long since I've had the chance!


Some very good freinds of mine were up on that wreck this past summer and reported 120'+ vis on that wreck and some deeper ones as well. Here's a link to the webiste of one of them where you can see more photos of that wreck, and others. Shipwreck Adventures, Scuba diving charter, recreational, techanical, wreck diving on Lake Michgan, Huron, and Superior, charter

The last time I dove that area I got to dive some sweet virgin wrecks that were still loaded with stuff, but back then the vs was crap- less than 10'. The nice part of those dives were that you could actually see everything on the wreck because there were no zebra mussles back then. Great vis is nice, but being able to read the name boards and view every minute detail of a 100+ year old wooden ship was pretty cool.

I think that we should put together two sperate wreck dates. I'll let you guys plan one in June off of Bayview park in Milwaukee and I will try and put one together for August out on a boat.

The boat will be able to hold 20+ freedivers, but probably best not to have extra family on board for this one- they can go visit the beach or museums that Milwaukee has to offer.

The first one, right off the beach, would be a better family one. The boat trip will be towards the end of the summer so everyone will be comfortable with a bit of depth. We can keep it shallow, less than 40', so that more people can join in, or we could move out to deeper water if people are feeling pretty good- you pick a depth and I can pick the wreck, no matter how deep you can freedive!

I think that a carp shoot would be better in an inland lake. There are carp along the breakwall if conditions are right, but other days there's nothing. There are more than enough inland lakes that are full of them to hold a proper contest. I would still say to bring your spearguns along to shoot something if you see it- just don't plan on a contest.

Would it be ok with everyone if I start a thread later tonight or tomorrow with a poll to see who is interested in the June Bayview family wreck day, and weekend availability. Will also try and see if ppl might be interested in a t-shirt - BTW - graphic arts! Very cool, DiverTodd!

I'll try to post some information (map, accommodations, whatever I find) about the site... I'll also look into the local events calendar.

Thanks, Jon, Pingene, et al.

Would someone be willing to be an on-site host? I have one weekend away and possibly a second for work in June. I would be more than happy to help with the details and coordination "behind the scenes stuff," and if I can make it, I would be happy to be an on-site co-host.

I'm looking forward to this already! Cheers,
Just pick a date and we'll go with it- as long as it doesn't overlap Father's day weekend.

I looked into wrecks off Sheboygan and there's nothing much there that's shallow enough for everyone. The only shallow one I know of they raised and is now sitting in a park so you can have a picnic right in the middle of the thing. The shallowest wreck I've ever dove on up there was 80' and the really nice ones around there start about 170'. The place has some world class wrecks, but they are all deep- which is why they are intact after so many years underwater.

This is just the nature of the lake. Everything to the south, by Chicago, is very shallow and everything to the north gets deeper the further north you go. The deepest spot in the lake (927') is actually up by Chris.

As it turns out I'm able to use the "back-up" charter boat for an August trip. We'll keep the wrecks to less than 40' and there's room for about 20 freedivers. I would want at least 6 confirmed to make it worth while. I'll cover the gas cost and there is no charter fee- it really doesn't cost that much when we're only going out to the shallow stuff. I need to find a date but it won't be until later on in the month- first two weekends are already booked for a family vacation. For this charter it will be:

1- Freedivers only- can't have the scuba crowd intefering with our dives.
2- No bubble watchers- everyone should be willing to jump in the water.
3- At least 6 divers but not much over 20.
4- You need to dive with a buddy, one up and one down, at all times.

I can firm up details on this later on in the season- after we get the boats in the water and see what our bookings look like. First up is Freeze-A-Palooze followed by Freedive-A-Palooza.


Sounds Great. Right now, I have no conflicts yet with August. So, pick a date...we can all chip in for gas if you would like. Count me in. Would you want to start a new thread, or just keep this one going due to all the up front info?...We could actually rename this one "August Wreck-A-Palooza Wisconsin via boat" if you would like. I could also set up a poll similar to the other threads to get a count. One request I have would be to do it on a Saturday if at all possible...I have other commitments most Sundays.

Also, from your experience, what would be the best lake/time to do the carp shoot? April & May are still open & the algae is not too bad yet. I know you mentioned some of the Madison Lakes...I've also heard that Rock lake has an abundance of carp & Gar, but I have not had a chance to dive there yet.


That would be fine to start a June thread for the shallow dive. Please keep off of the weekend of 6/23-24 as I will be in AZ. I am involved with Boy Scouts & will have a Scout Camp & a High Adventure this year, so the sooner we get a June date set, the sooner those other items can be planned around them. Thank you for helping out. Please start the thread name with "June" so we can keep semi organized. Also, the beach was Atwater. Lastly, please include a poll similar to the one that is set up for the July Freedive-A-Palooza to get a rough headcount...be certain to check the button that will allow all users to see the other user's posts to the poll.

I'm excited by the way things are developing. Should be a great summer/year...let's keep the momentum going.


Tee-Shirts would be Great for any & all dives we do...I think it would be good to know costs & get commitments from the buyers before making.

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Rock lake, Lake Mendota, or maybe somethigup by you would all work for a carp shoot. Shallowish water is best.

For the Milwaukee beach dive I would suggest Bayview park on the south side of the city in stead of Atwater beach on the norht side. There's more protection from rough weather, du to the rubble wall. There's also shallower water on the inside of the wall and at least two shipwrecks down there to dive- the Sebastapol and the Volunteer. This is also the area where I have seen many carp- none on the north side. It's also a nicer area for families and picnics. They have a reall ynice bike path that goes through there that follows the lake- I ran a half marathon along it two years ago and there's a lake view the whole way. Soccer fields, trees, and a decent beach all make it a nicer spot for a family outing. Parking off of Atwater beach is limited and they often charge for acces to the beach- everything on the South Side is Free!

No reason to chip in for gas- it's not that much and it raises all kinds of legal issues that don't come up if I run it for free. Our main boat is rated for 28 people and this one is only rated as a 6-pack, even though it's actually a larger and wider boat.:head It's a strange glitch in the Coast Guard regulations that won't allow it to be hired out for charter with more paying passengers than that, but I can say we have had parties on her with over 30 people on board and were still quite safe. It would be nice if anyone planning to dive that day could make it up to Freedive-A-Palooza first so that I can see how they handle themselves in the water.

As far as T-shirts go, how about a genaric Midwest Freediving one instead of something event specific. I came up with one a couple years ago for Freedive-A-Palooza and could just email it to people to print out and iron on their own t-shirt. You can get iron on kits at most computer stores and it allows you to pick out the shirt you want ahead of time so you know it fits.

Here's what one of my t-shirt iron on's looked like. the big thing to remember is to reverse it before you print it out onto the transfer.

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Thanks, Pingene and Jon, I'll set up the poll Monday. Looks like the one of the first two weekends in June.

There could be a triple crown here for those who do the ice freedive, the freedive, and the wreck freedive in 2007! :king :king :king

Happy MLKDay & cheers, Jeanette
Bayview it is...for the June event.

Let's see what kind of pricing DiverTodd can get on a general Wisconsin Freediver/Spearo tee-shirt...perhaps he can get them donated or something.

Sounds great on the boat/wreck dive...do you want me to set up a new thread, or just change the main thread name of this one for the August dive?

If my suit comes in this week...as promised, I am planning on going spearfishing somewhere this Saturday...perhaps Sheboygan just to check things out...depends on weather. If anyone is going anywhere else, let me know...perhaps I will tag along.

I was going to do a specific logo for the event, with the dates, or at least "2007" on it.


Get creative, let's see what you can do!!! Can you get any "preferred pricing"? Perhaps FREE?

Keep us informed,

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