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Wanted WTB Used Dapiran Speargun

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

acevedo joseph

New Member
Feb 25, 2006
Hi Im Looking to buy myself a early Xmass Present , looking for one of the following Models

Super Jedi
Mega Jedi
or 110 Sabor or 100 Sabor Shot .... if you have a Dapiran Gun collecting Dust Let me know

Dapiran srl - Arbalete
I can't help Joe, but there's one for sale in this italian forum:
saber 100 quasi nuovo d........n

I don't know this guy but you may try to poke him. He says he'll let it go for 400 Euro's plus shipping (shipping a speargun with Poste Italiane to the Usa will cost him 66 Euro).

Just take note of two things: This gun for sale in the above link has a handle for left handed. And Poste Italiane is awfully slow lately.
Big Thanks for the heads up Spaghetti , to bad im right handed :head

thanks again .... Joe

I can't help Joe, but there's one for sale in this italian forum:
saber 100 quasi nuovo d........n

I don't know this guy but you may try to poke him. He says he'll let it go for 400 Euro's plus shipping (shipping a speargun with Poste Italiane to the Usa will cost him 66 Euro).

Just take note of two things: This gun for sale in the above link has a handle for left handed. And Poste Italiane is awfully slow lately.
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