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Wuestion from beginner:confused:

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Jun 21, 2002
I am new to this apnea diving so i have some basic questions. My static apnea is more or less 3 minutes may be i can reach up to 3.5 minutes if i train a bit.I am wondering max how deep i can dive and shoot the fish with this static apnea if i use my energy efficient? (without wetsuit and weight belt).
Murat , the only way to find out is by jumping in the water and finding out :D
Don't worry too much about maximum depths , concentrate on COMFORTABLE depths ; these will get increasingly deeper with time .

3 minute static sounds hell of a lot to lousy me, even if my friend fart the smelliest of fart, I probably can hold my breath only 1/3 of ur time........so u r cool dude !!! :D :D

Get a longer gun !!!! Wha ha ha ha. :eek:
As the pro always say.......get closer to the fish.....let the fish come to you....if it doesn't come to you...........then you and I go to the market and we buy some fish...OK OK.
I will try to find it myself when i`ll buy my new long blade fins.

Hey Iya 3-3.5 minuts static is not that much out of the water. The main problem is how long is it under water?:eek:
Hey Murat,

Methinks that 3.5 dry static equals some 2 - 2.5 minutes dynamic + repose ambush. That's of course if you're not tired or any other way not in perfect shape. But those observations I've made only on myself as a lab mouse.

My personal best for dry static is about 4 minutes (and then I usually cough my guts out - I'm smoking, believe it or not). I am pretty much comfortable with my 2 something dynamic + ambush when I am in my best shape. It's completely enough for where I am.
Our veterans usually say that if you don't shoot a fish whithin 40 -50 seconds, you better get to the surface. You won't have enough time for fighting, catching the fish and surfacing anyway. (If you're not using any of those floats attached to the gun techniques the other guys use for blue water hunting).

So I think you're pretty much okay. Just follow Abri's advice and DIVE MORE!
your static is like the same with mine ( dry static about 4 minuts and I can tell u is that my dinamic is a frustrating one minut(depends mostly on my mental condition) ... or something.:vangry . At this moment I go down to max 15meter.
Not to forget...I'm also new in apneea. Wishbone said something about 2 minuts ...I still have to work on it:)
Hey Soki, :)

Those two minutes I'm achieving only after at least 10 days of every day spearfishing. And when I am saying "dynamic", there's a little something else to it. Here's my way of diving, which explains a lot:
- Surface to bottom (12 -15m) - some 30" - takes a lot of time cause I don't usually move my legs after the 3rd meter. After that i let myself falling to the ambush spot...
- Ambush - 1'10'' - 1'15'' - during that time I won't call my apnea a dynamic one - I'm just moving my head.
- Back to the surface - 15"-20" - I hate surfacing too fast, and it also gives me opportunity to check the landscape better and pick the next ambush spot...

So my dynamic is not a pure one... And I do those apnea times only when I am spearfishing for fun or training. At the end of the season my bottom time gets even higher, but once again - there's no point to break records while spearfishing. When you're on a competition, you have to distribute your energy very well cause the duration of the competition day is usually 5 hours. And if you do apnea times of some 2' on every dive, you'll get too tired after 45 minutes in the water... What are you going to do after that?

So, for me it's all about distributing your energy the most efficient way possible and not breaking personal bests. The development of your skills will come naturally.

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