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Your favorite Spearo knife?

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spaghetti said:
...This model has won 3 (three) spearfishing World Campionships in a row with the tuscan outclass Renzo Mazzarri in the 90's. (just because he had the right knife, of course)....
rofl ...of course! Either that or a pointy stick or meat skewer.
Reactions: spaghetti
Hi Miles, how/where do you carry your Iki jimi spike? I notice on the image above that have a keyring attached - was wondering how you used that. Is your iki homemade? It looks like the sharp end of a stainless steel spear, with handle and sheath made out of speargun rubber (good re-use, v. green), with a lanyard to hold them both together & the keyring.

BTW I just made another Iki but the handle is a bit bulky & the spike rather slim (& galvanized) so it'll probably become a scratch awl instead! I've yet to make one that I am satisfied enough with to carry diving.

Just noticed this "Land & Sea Stealth knife" on NZ & Oz websites. Very similar to the Rob Allen Assegai & Pelaj flat knives, significantly cheaper but without a cool Limpet sheath:


Even cheaper in NZ: http://www.sella.co.nz

[Anybody selling these in Europe yet?]
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if you contact mori he can supply the riffe knife to you really cheap its exactly the same knife but without the riffe name on it,i've got one off him and i do reccomend it,he did post the details and pics somewhere on this forum
Its all about the hattori!


  • hattori dive knife.jpg
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Thanks Felipe, I will see if I can track down Mori's info.
Its all about the hattori!
Yes, I looked up Hattori after seeing a Hawaiian posters mention them previously. I could only find one supplier & that in Hawaii, the prices seemed reasonable but I expect shipping to the UK from Hawaii might be shocking. I very much like the idea of a Japanese knife & Hattori appear to be be a Japanese equivalent of my current Taiwanese knife. It's hard to get a good, long lasting sharp edge on my current knife, I think a combination of the relatively thick, diamond profile blade, hard stainless steel and my sharpening technique (although I sharpen other blades w/o such problems).

Reviewers say the sheaths need to be glued but that wouldn't be an issue for me, as I would use an RA sheath. Is that your knife Blaiz - double sided, black? I was thinking of the cheaper single-sided silver version. Is it a good knife, easy to sharpen & keep a good edge, easy to iki fish skulls?
Is that your knife Blaiz - double sided, black? I was thinking of the cheaper single-sided silver version. Is it a good knife, easy to sharpen & keep a good edge, easy to iki fish skulls?

No this isnt mine, though i do have the same knife my knife has a little more wear and tear than this one. This ones actually for sale on ebay.

[ame="http://cgi.ebay.com/HATORRI-DIVE-KNIFE-RIFFE-WONG-SPEARGUN-SPEARFISHING_W0QQitemZ130270492571QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item130270492571&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A570%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]HATORRI DIVE KNIFE,RIFFE WONG,SPEARGUN,SPEARFISHING - eBay (item 130270492571 end time Nov-25-08 18:52:25 PST)[/ame]

The hattori is a great knife. Maintains an edge, nicely balanced, and sturdy enough to get it nice and deep into a fishes head.

As far as the sheeth, I actually was told the same thing so when I got it I wrapped the whole sheeth with dyneema and have never had a problem with it. Ive had my knife (with heavy use) for over 3 years and I wouldnt think of replacing it. The black coating will eventually wear off (some quicker than others) but as long as you rinse the knife after every dive it should last you a lifetime.
with a little care & attention those knives can be honed like a katana,the double tanto spearo blades are a bit tricky but if you cut a small recess in either side of each clamp of a lansky sharpening tool,it will hold the tang & blade without ruining your sharpening kit
Reactions: Mr. X
Older thread I know, but it made me think.... I don't have a favourite knife UNTIL I watch it dropping away from the holder, or out of my hand. At that point it becomes my favourite because inevitably I didn't bring a spare :rcard
Older thread I know, but it made me think.... I don't have a favourite knife UNTIL I watch it dropping away from the holder, or out of my hand. At that point it becomes my favourite because inevitably I didn't bring a spare :rcard

My first 100ft+ drop was to retrieve my knife that I dropped while braining a fish. We were diving on a drop off at around 70ft and my knife slipped out of my hand and litterally "swam" straight out. I chased it out past the drop off into 100+ feet of water and watched it land next to a large coral head. I thought long and hard but since I was with a few good buddies I thought Id give it a try. Stupid but Im glad I still have my blade!
i love the mcnett samish knife. bright orange handle feels good and fits perfectly in the hand. blade is stainless so you have to clean it often and use some silicone on it. the sheath is hard plastic and retains well and i mounted it on my belt.
... mounted it on my belt.
I notice Geogio Daparin sometimes wears a little spearo dagger, probably the Samurai ([ame="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Samuri-Wrist-Knife-for-Divers-Spear-Fishing-SEAC_W0QQitemZ330155051340QQihZ014QQcategoryZ29577QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]see ebay[/ame]), on his belt for dispatching fish. Can't recall if he wears a larger leg knife too. I think he used the stringer spike for dispatching some fish.

I wonder if something like this very cheap scuba knife might be good for dispatching:

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I love my cressi killer.Small and most importantly still with me after a whole season! It's also pretty inexpensive as i've found the costlier the knife the sooner the loss.
I recently "misplaced" my hotori and to my dismay had to buy a new knife for a recent trip I went on. After looking for ever for a new hatori I was told that they arent really making them anymore:waterwork

So... I opted for The new Deep Sea Titanium Wenoka knife with the squeeze lock sheeth.

I actually really like it. Its very low profile so I can strap it to my arm and dont even know its there. The blade is sharp and titanium so very maintenence free (which is good for me)

The squeese lock scabbard is great. Holds the knife with not much of a chance of it falling out yet is still very easy to pull out.

On the down side it seems a little light duty. I liked my steel hatori cause it felt indistructable and I could use the but of the knife to tap my spearshaft to get other divers attention underwater.

As irony would have it, I found my hatori in an obscure spot yesterday but now dont really know which knife I want to use. I guess its good to have a back up blade in any case!


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Reactions: Mr. X
I guess it would be hard to pick the ultimate spearo knife. Seeing as the fish we are dispatching around the world are so different. What I do know is that here in hawaii the fish we dispatch tend to have some thick skulls. The most important thing for me when choosing a knife is that it has a slender, preferably douple edged (one surated, one straight), and no more or less than a 3 inch blade, and did I mention VERY sharp. The second most important thing is the scabbard. I dont want to have to worry about losing my knife so a securely locking scabbard is a must.

I was looking at the Pelage knife and really liked the design but there was no way I would spend that money on a knife when the scabbard (canvas sheeth) was so non-secure. (insecure just doesnt sound right:t)

I used to have riffes knife and liked the blade but the scabbard and the knife it self were a little bulky. The scabbard seemed to lock nicely but I lost the knife a few times (found it eventually) but ended up giving it away. Plus the scabbard, when locked, would sometimes get stuck and be near impossible to unlock to get your knife out. I think easy access to a knife in times of distress is a must.

anywho that is my critique on the three products I have used. Its still a toss up between the hatori and the wenoka stiletto.
Ive got another question, figured Id ask here but dont want to steal the thread.

Where do you other spearos keep your knife?

Personally I like it on my upper arm.

I used to like to keep it on my leg but was irritated with the amount of times it got tangled in my float line. I then tried the inside of my leg but would kick it too much, not to mention it was so far a reach to retrieve.

The belt never seemed like a good option as it looked uncomfortable and in the event of ever having to ditch my weight belt (which Ive done in certain occasions) the thought of not having my knife on me seemed stupid.

The arm is easy to access and out of the way. Since the knives I like are small and low profile they never feel cumbersome.

I guess the down fall to this method is that the knife is only accessible with one hand but to this point I have not had a problem with it (fingers crossed!)
Reactions: agbiv
2 great finds. The Wenoka appears to be a Titanium version of the Omer spearo knives. Sorry to hear about the Hattori, I was thinking of contacting the Hawaii website to see how much they'd charge to ship to the UK. Lucky you finding one! Was it in a store or on the sea bed? Why don't you try wearing the pinch knife on your arm & the hattori on your leg, or vice versa.

Like the tapping tip. Might be handy when SCUBA divers suddenly appear on the scene.

RE. the Pelaj, I think they are pretty much the same as the RA Assegai knife & RA limpet sheath, which are VERY SECURE. Getting the knife out could be a bigger issue but both come with a handy toggle that makes it easy. I very much like this type of sheath.

Badlander is right though, the fancy knives seem to get lost while the cheap ones last forever Interesting idea about wearing it on the back of your calf. I wear mine on the inside on my calf, to reduce tangles while giving the possibility of access with either hand. But its not perfect. I think I'd like something smaller closer to hand for dispatching; I usually use the spike of my float stringer, or occasionally the spike of a waist stringer - but its a bit small & awkward to use.
Reactions: agbiv and blaiz
Ive got another question, figured Id ask here but dont want to steal the thread.

Where do you other spearos keep your knife?

I'm an arm man myself. Small Omer on my left forearm. Handle just above the wrist.

I use an Omer Mini-lazer on my upper arm. I replaced the crap velcro strap with 50mm wide elastic webbing sewn into a loop. Its a snug, secure fit and barely noticable that its there.
Reactions: Mr. X and blaiz
Ahhhh how I miss Deeperblue!! Good to see some recognizable names here still 'Hi everyone'!!! I also use the Omer mini-laser... really like it, but as Trelawney said... the velcro is a joke. I haven't got round to replacing it, but probably should. I wear it on my left bicep, and find it pretty accessable, however, the squeeze clamp can be a little tempramental at times.

Hope everone is well,

safe diving, and Merry Christmas!

Reactions: Mr. X and blaiz
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