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A better snorkel for spearfishing?

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Mr. X

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Forum Mentor
Jul 14, 2005
I think my 37 year old Typhoon snorkel is better for spearfishing that most of the modern designs.

For a recent trip, I reached into my box of diving gear & pulled out my big ol' 37- year old(?) Typhoon snorkel and decided to try using it. I found it to be more comfortable and better suited to spearing that my 2 much newer snorkels that were specifically designed for spearfishing. How?

- more comfortable/better fit ( the mouth & bottom of the J could be moved relative to the curve/bent main tube & mine was long ago adjusted to suit me).

- nice comfortable mouthpiece

- although the pipe is fairly stiff, the J & mouth piece are soft & flexible

- slightly larger bore

- BUT most importantly of all: it is longer than the Beuchat Tubair & Seacsub/Seatil combat snorkel - probably 1" (2.5cm) or more longer - that really helped keep out the water & instill confidence at the surface.

Has anybody come up with a better spearfishing snorkel recently?
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Canamuwhgear.com has the BEST snorkel.

The LBS - Large Bore Snorkel.
NO air / breathing resistance and a solid piece.

I previously used the Cressi America, but have definitely switched and won't ever go back.

For the festive and patriotic, you can also get it in all kinds of flag colour combos and patterns, like cat-in-the-hat, Italian flag, etc.

I stuck with simple black, but paired it with a bright pink snorkel holder for added / subtle flair. :D
I agree that some of the older snorkels were much better designs, especially for spearfishing. The best ever was the Farallon. Mine finally died and I've been using a series of antiques by Techna and others that copy the Farallons shape and have good soft mouthpieces. They are all big barrels, all swivel at the mouthpiece, but are also fairly short. Their shape puts the top behind and just above the head. The shape and swivel allows them to sit in the mouth with no effort. Also reduces turbulence to unnoticeable even when towing and I never had trouble with water entry.

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Mr. X old friend,
my suggestion is the following: if you're ok with the Typhoon just keep the Typhoon, simple as that. In my opinion, snorkels are such kind of piece of gear that don't need to be extremely high tech. And the high tech types will often disappoint you because, after all, it only has to be a pipe with a mouthpiece. If the ventilation is smooth and the mouthpiece fits you, why change?
PS- I confess I had never heard about that brand before. I read from their website that it's an english business and that Typhoon still has a manucfacturing plant in North Yorkshire, is that correct? Then so: you're english, buy english (or italian ;-) ).
PPS: I see there's plenty of those Typhoon snorkels in the pipe trade:
Hi Spaghetti - good to hear from you! I always thought Typhoon was American (just sounds American to me) but a forum member in England collects & uses it (he has my old mask), so I expect you right. England used to make most things - it's easy to forget that these days :(. My old fins (which are still useable but nowhere near as effective as modern spearing fins) where made in England too.

Yes you right: http://www.typhoon-int.co.uk/about/
Oscar Gugen sounds like quite a character & an important figure in British diving: apparently he started what was to become Typhoon and the British Sub Aqua Club.

Unsurprisingly, they don't offer my snorkel model now but their Basic Snorkel is probably their modern equivalent:

I'll try to post an image of mine later - it is unremarkable looking but just seems to work well.
Canamuwhgear.com has the BEST snorkel.

The LBS - Large Bore Snorkel.
NO air / breathing resistance and a solid piece.
I stuck with simple black, but paired it with a bright pink snorkel holder for added / subtle flair. :D
The left one does look good and somewhat similar to my ol' Typhoon snorkel. The one on the right reminds me of the current Omer Zoom [bottom image].


They make a good point in the description: you can always cut a long snorkel down shorter if you prefer a shorter one (but not vice versa).
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... The best ever was the Farallon. Mine finally died and I've been using a series of antiques by Techna and others that copy the Farallons shape and have good soft mouthpieces. They are all big barrels, all swivel at the mouthpiece, but are also fairly short. Their shape puts the top behind and just above the head. The shape and swivel allows them to sit in the mouth with no effort. Also reduces turbulence to unnoticeable even when towing and I never had trouble with water entry...
Yes, that looks quite similar to my ol' Typhoon :

In this picture, the bore looks exceptionally large though (perhaps the diver is small?):
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It is a big bore. That can be a little problem with clearing the last bit of water. I long since got used to a little bit of gurgle.

Fun to see the adv. , thanks.

The girl isn't wearing it quite right. the barrel can pass under the ear, much closer to the head, less drag and more comfortable. That is at least partly because that particular mask strap doesn't allow the snorkel keeper to attach farther behind the head.
It is a big bore. That can be a little problem with clearing the last bit of water. I long since got used to a little bit of gurgle.

Fun to see the adv. , thanks.

The girl isn't wearing it quite right. the barrel can pass under the ear, much closer to the head, less drag and more comfortable. That is at least partly because that particular mask strap doesn't allow the snorkel keeper to attach farther behind the head.
This LBS represents an interesting design - I usually spit out the snorkle when diving - so clearing the water is not a problem.
Blowing air through the tube purges all the water as long as the snorkel breaks the surface during this tecnique.
...The girl isn't wearing it quite right. the barrel can pass under the ear, much closer to the head, less drag and more comfortable. ...
I'm pretty sure that is a bloke [see link] ;)
Oh well, can't tell with these long haired hippies. AT least its a Farallon.

Hmmmm, on second thought, You should have seen mine, back in the day. Got in the way diving, though.
:D I've never felt the need for a second windpipe (and my measured lung capacity is unusually high). Initial impression: twin pipe goes against my personal philosophy of recent years, which is to strive for simplicity (K.I.S.S., less-is-more, Occam's razor, etc.) - but perhaps time and your experiences will prove me wrong! Perhaps there is some advantage that has escaped me. I love that you guys are experimenting with this though :)

I will reply on the above thread.
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I just ordered an LBS from them useful thread guys, the reason why I support the forum
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