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Crazy Italian Hoist Spearguns!

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Campari Survivor
May 31, 2005
The genes of Leonardo Da Vinci must be still somewhere around here. But gone wild!

Look at the latest fashion in italian speargun craft: basically, an inverted rollergun with a system of tackles and pulleys. :mad:

Credits to Giorgio Bettin and Adriano Orlandoni, the authors of this wonder.


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And more of the same creation:


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Same concept on an industrial speargun (Omer Cayman SOFMOD :martial) from another genial Italian.


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From surfacing to fish strung and gun rerigged & reloaded takes less than one minute with my Rob Allen 130. How long do you think that would take? And what happens when one of those intricate bits breaks?
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very pretty< looks like art. i prefer things quite a bit simpler, i'm not sure how that thing works ,but it does look very cool,
i would buy one ,(if i were rich)
and just put it in a case or something
hang it on the wall , and look at it.
its art.
Serious question - how do you actually load it?

I don't think it particularily complicated to load, provided all those bits of dyneema stay in place.

You just pull the dyneema wishbone and cock it in the notches/tabs of the shaft, just like any other gun.

The difference is that the rubbers stretch towards the muzzle when loading, and then contract back toward the handle when shooting. They work opposite to "traditional" bandguns.
This is said to completely eliminate the "muzzle whip". Now you know that it's all about reducing recoil. Reducing recoil and...playing with fancy bits. :)


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That was great thread, db was a very active forum at that time with loads of characters around!

It's still full of characters. But they're not the same chaps as they were years ago: old friends we lost, new guys we've met. Time flies on the internet and people have a limited span, enthusiasm for things doesn' last too long.

Three years ago, Affertus was the most amazing gun maker on DB.
Now in 2011 and a half, the DBer who makes the most amazing guns is a certain dude from Guernsey......:t
Same system, adapted to an American-style gun with the handle in the middle


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Roller insanity... I would love to see the numbers though. Is it worth having so many bearings (Giorgio Bettin and Adriano Orlandoni)? Do people just put fancy looking bearings on their guns or they actually have data, which supports their decisions? ah...
I know this is an old thread but I've just seen it and I'm very impressed with the designs. I wonderred what te benefits would be using an inverted system as apposed to the more common rubbers at the muzzle end method, but it looks like spaghetti has answered my question before I asked it (cheers bud). But in looking at the design isn't there a high risk of injury of the dyneema/cord snaps....... Eg the user being slapped plying the arm, or if your very unlucky being whipped in the face by the rubbers???

Sorry to put a downer on the gun design, but curiosity got the better of me
Good points but, any gun, of any nature will offer some risk, I have shot myself through the neoprene rubber at the base of my neck with an air gun & broken numerous rubbers & wishbones that have caused injury.
These type of specialist hand made guns are not tested like a production gun would be & might need more attention to maintenance however I would think the kind of person who owns such a weapon would also be up on his maintenance!
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Good points but, any gun, of any nature will offer some risk, I have shot myself through the neoprene rubber at the base of my neck with an air gun & broken numerous rubbers & wishbones that have caused injury.
These type of specialist hand made guns are not tested like a production gun would be & might need more attention to maintenance however I would think the kind of person who owns such a weapon would also be up on his maintenance!

That's a fair shout mate. I can see why someone would spend time maintaining and checking a masterpiece like that, I know I would if that was my pride and joy:D. I suppose with an inverted roller gun you could also cut down the rubbers if they perish around the wishbones, without risking deflection on the spear (like what happens on conventional guns) because of the design of the gun which is another benefit
Wow! I was designing a roller gun, but that's outrageous. My bowhunting housemate asked why I didn't make one with pulleys and cams to increase the peak acceleration of the shaft. I think you'd have to start by graphing the power output of the bands while releasing, then work backwards to the best point to use a cam to increase acceleration. I don't have nearly the time to put into it, but it would be an interesting study. Does anybody know if the owner of the gun has posted anything about the gun?

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