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Euro Roller 85 (165)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
I have almost finished my first roller project - the gun still needs to be tested and balanced. Its an Euro 85cm gun size - but 165cm measuring the maximum length between the rubber anchor point and shark fin.

This is the gun spec.:

  1. Gun length: 1,15m
  2. Wood, Indonesian Mahogany
  3. Handle: Ulu Sub
  4. Shaft: 7mm/125cm Salvimar Squalo, single barb
  5. Trigger mech: Niletech Euro
  6. Rollers: 18mm wide, made in POM
  7. Rubbers: 17,5mm (I might change these to 16mm)
  8. Band stretch from 230% to 300%
  9. "Double" wishbone for easy loading


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That is a very nice looking gun! Have you tried shooting it yet, or is it not completely finished? 165 cm of effective band stretch is insane for a gun that size. When fully stretched, are the bands using all their energy to fire the shaft, or are they still fairly tight when they reach the wishbone protectors at the muzzle?
Many thanks Anders.
No, I still need to do the final adjustments. I need to test how it shoots with the rubbers and fine tune these and balance the gun to neutral. I hope it will shoot at least 6 meter.
At the "lowest" power anchor point the rubbers are just stretched (about 2.5 cm or so). I placed the next anchor point 10 cm down and the third another 10 cm down. So the rubbers are pre-stretched approximately 35% when the rubbers are hooked at the third anchor point. I have (for now) made the 17.5 mm rubber so that the maximum stretch (From the third anchor point to the third shark fin) is 300%. The above will off cause change if I make the rubbers shorter.
I might have to change the rubbers to 16mm. You know... It's a compromise between power and accuracy. The tests will hopefully give me the answer to that.
I can see that you are form Norway - so I shouldn't complain - but the water here in Denmark is xxx*!-cold - the test must wait until it's a little warmer...
...And a super beautiful satin finish! How? :p

Best regards
I have grounded the wood with fine sandpaper (to grain size 600), darkened the colour with stain and completed it by soaking the wood in linseed oil. After a couple of days of drying I polished the gun with a piece of clean cotton.
thats some nice woodworking mate,hope it shoots as good as it looks!
Many thanks all of you. I have arranged a pool test next Thursday. I will let you know how it turns out.
RuiDuarte; I got your PM; I will make a sketch of the gun showing the most important measures and upload it here in a couple of days.
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Hi man, very nice work indeed.
I wanna ask how wide is the gun and if its the same width all the way from top to bottom?
Also where did you get the stock or blank from?
A friend is in the middle of a project, i hope you dont mind me asking.
Sorry for my late info regarding the test and the promised drawing. The drawing is still to be made but the test is done.

The test was successful. The 17,5mm rubbers was very powerful. The gun shot through the PVC target at a distance of more than 5 meters, when loaded to the maximum band stretch. The gun had some recoil, but was quite accurate at distances between 3-5 meters. No problems with the shooting line interfering with the muzzle, wishbone or rubbers.
Here is a little video from the test:

Roller 85 Speargun (MPG2) - YouTube

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Wow... that is amazing! When are they going into production!? I'll take one!
Hi man, very nice work indeed.
I wanna ask how wide is the gun and if its the same width all the way from top to bottom?
Also where did you get the stock or blank from?
A friend is in the middle of a project, i hope you dont mind me asking.

Hi and Thanks. No problem.
The muzzle is 70 mm and the rest of the gun is 60 mm wide.
I got the stock laminated from 3 pieces of Mahogany when I was in Lombok this Christmas. You can make your own blank or you can bye a finished laminated stock. I have seen some for sale both on ebay and at Neptonic Systems (US).
Please don't hesitate to ask further questions if you need some more information. I will upload a drawing of the gun - hopefully soon. Good luck with the project.
Well... your work looks amazing! Could you get the wood cut and shaped by machine using CAD? If so...!
Thx for the reply man, i appreciate ure good will in helping others with they projects,hard to find nowadays..
I saw neptonics home page, it looks good material wise :)
I might try to buy some stuff and build a roller myself.
Hej Jegwan

Have you brought the baby to the sea yet?
How is the finish holding up?

Looking forward to hear from you.

Hej Jegwan

Have you brought the baby to the sea yet?
How is the finish holding up?

Looking forward to hear from you.


Yes, I have used it many times this season. It's my prefered day time gun. I changed the rubbers to 16 mm. Its well balanced and shoots long straith shots. I have taken several mullets and ocean trouts with it this season.
The linseed oil finish was not strong enough, so I gave it a makeover with some special oil for gun barrels that hardens - and it is more glossy.
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