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first time spearfishing experience! I'm hooked! what a time.

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The land of ice and snow
Sep 5, 2001
I finally got into the water and tried spearfishing for the first time. I sure learned a lot and two things are for sure.. I'm going to enjoy it more and more and the fish are going to enjoy it less and less. Here's how it went.

Water temp was 52 F. (gotta say that the custom fit Elios sub worked super good!) Vis was from 1' to 3' at the best (in fact, one time I actually put my face and the spear tip into the river bottom before I knew it was there). Not to bad of a current. Only about 8' deep.

Well, lurking around the bottom as much as I could all I would see of a fish most of time was where it had been by all the silt that was turned up... occassionally I caught a glimps of one darting off. Mostly small suckers. I thought.. the only one I'm going to get a shot at is an old lunker that thinks nothing can hurt him. Sure enough - half an hour into the hunt I'm cruising the river bottom and before I know it I'm over a good sized sucker, and he slowly swims out from under me directly in front of my speargun...and I mean like less than a foot away (probably lasted a second or two) and by the time the "pull the trigger" message was even started the fish darted off. I never even took the shot! Stupid! I don't know if it was "fish" fever that got me or just the viz...it was pretty gloomy down there. This isn't going to happen next time. It was cool though... I'M HOOKED!!!

After I got out of the water we went for a boat ride to where the river meets the lake.... schools of fish..much clearer water. I'm going back there this week or weekend... I'll show em.

Originally posted by fjohnson
I don't know if it was "fish" fever that got me or just the viz

Fish fever man, i've got the same problem, the smaller they are, the sooner i shoot them. When they're big, i just freeze.:D

The Elios I have is a black 5mm smooth outside/open cell inside...sent them my 16 different measurements and several weeks later had the suit....I'm impressed... super price (super,super price) - super good. I'm thinking about ordering another one... 3mm or so for later this summer or the southern trips, maybe camo. Nothing like a wetsuit that keeps you dry! The only moisture inside was from the water/creamrinse mix I need to get into the thing. My swim suit was absolutely dry.

After nearly an hour in the water the only thing getting cold was the tips of my fingers. Not bad at 52 deg. water and outside temp.

Congratulations Fred,
Welcome to the club. Now begins your journey, the "just one more speargun", just one more wetsuit, just one more..."
Atta boy Fred!

Nobody's happier for you than I, Fred. Welcome to the fold. Be careful and remember to give back to the resource... karma, ya know?

What can I say? I like spearfishing more and more and the fish are liking it less and less!



  • suckers.jpg
    16.8 KB · Views: 417
Being with people on their first experiences diving and spearfishing is, even over the Net and by photo, just sooo cool!

:cool: And anybody tells you that that'a just a suckerfish, you just turn 'em my way for a little talkin' to. Start saving your ducats and lets meet up with Anderson, Jay and the crowd in Florida soon! We'll slay 'em!!

Frame that photo!!

Great job

Nice job Fred. Or should I say ol' Dead Eye. I hope that's just the first of many to surcome to the point of your shaft(no jokes Sven).
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