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Guernsey 2007

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"Come to sunny South Africa" they said!! Hey ho...

...greetings from a very rainy South Africa!

Done a little bit of snorkeling here but it's rough on the south coast. Have been in search of seahorses in Knysna lagoon - in the murk of Knysna lagoon. Met up with local spearo Neels who have me some spot tips so hopefully will get out again soon... when the weather calms down!

Just below the family's house there's tiny sheltered corner where even in 3ft of water I have seen more fish than I have all year in Guernsey. Make you sick eh!?

Will try to take the underwater camera next time! but I go in fear of those big grey things which lurk not only in the corners of my mind but also behind the surf-line!!

Ciao for now chaps. See you all next year.

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Merry Christmas chaps and chapesses!

Having my first bass for christmas dinner, rod caught not spear though.

Have a good one.

Merry Christmas all you Guerns. Hope you have some good spearing!

Viz has gone here until early summer, but had a lovely surf this morning so that's ok.

By the way Beardy, that last pic is a dolphin surfing that wave, not a shark
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i was just thinking about weather that was a dolphin or not and cant seem to work it out, if it is a shark then then that would be a scary sight!!!!
just looked at some pictures though and it looks if though it is a dolphin, great pictue though i have seen it before and always thought it was a shark, haha.
It will soon be gun making time again! As it happens I have two Rabitech stealth trigger mechs for sale. Anyone interested give me a pm. (priority to a Guern as I dont really want the hassle of posting)
Hi Draenog, merry Christmas.
Are you visiting us this coming summer?

Yup, I'll only be coming for a week this time, but I'll be itching to get in. I hope to have improved my pic/vid taking. (OMD has a CD of my wobbly first efforts last year if you haven't seen it)
i was just thinking about weather that was a dolphin or not and cant seem to work it out, if it is a shark then then that would be a scary sight!!!!
just looked at some pictures though and it looks if though it is a dolphin, great pictue though i have seen it before and always thought it was a shark, haha.

Definitely a dolphin, the photographer who took it put up a page on his website saying so (and with another pic in the same sequence showing it) after he noticed it was getting emailed around as a shark pic.

EDIT: here you go:
Dolphin and Surfer Image Info
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That’s a hell of a picture and yes you can clearly see that’s it’s a dolphin but I bet that poor bugger on his surf board still s**t himself, I know I would have.:eek:
Spearing anyone?? Maybe not here...


Looked rather like pea soup fishing today, couldn't see the bread in 2ft of water...
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