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Hip or chest load

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Hahaha I try to tell myself that I'm mega strong but really it's technique lol

He hasn't had a chance to christen it yet, but he is really happy with it. He says it's his Tina killer for this year.
chest loading uses more powerful muscles. if you think about it hip loading you use your arms solely, chest loading your using your back, shoulders, lads and biceps. its much easier and faster as long as you have the technique. Im 15 with shortish arms and i can load a 20mm on a 100cm seac sub x-fire and my mates 115 something (they have very painful shitty loading stocks.) its all about technique. your first problem is with articulated wishbones. you must not hold the metal use your thumbs on the plastic part of the bridle and push inwards. here i found a video, its very detailed. hope this helps :)
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chest loading uses more powerful muscles. if you think about it hip loading you use your arms solely, chest loading your using your back, shoulders, lads and biceps. its much easier and faster as long as you have the technique. Im 15 with shortish arms and i can load a 20mm on a 100cm seac sub x-fire and my mates 115 something (they have very painful shitty loading stocks.) its all about technique. your first problem is with articulated wishbones. you must not hold the metal use your thumbs on the plastic part of the bridle and push inwards. here i found a video, its very detailed. hope this helps :) how to chest load spearguns.mov - YouTube

Good instructional video. Have some rep
thanks haha i made that especially for this thread. im gonna be doing some spearing vids when i get a camera organised, some reviews on some spearguns as well as some mainenance tutorials and general stuff
Chest loading is quite simple, it needs correct technique especially when working with longer guns, 110-160 cm. When getting used to it, loading a 1m gun is like loading a 1,5m gun. I have had my Omer Cayman ET 105 then moved to a RA 110 and a RA 150 and the first time I held the 150, I said there is no way in hell am I gonna load that. However, using the simple chest loading technique I did it with quite ease :)
It just takes time and practice mate. If m right I can chest load the exact gun you are saying about as I think you sold it to my brother through here : )

I'm kinda new to Spearfishing and started straight out with a 120cm Rob Allen Carbon Fibre Railgun, with a 20mm single rubber.

I can only chest load and loaded the gun in-water on my first try straight to the second notch, no worries, but it kinda hurts after a six hour day [emoji2]

Might need a concrete pull to harden the .... ..!

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