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Lake Pewaukee

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New Member
Jul 23, 2007
Has anyone speared in Lake Pewaukee? I sail there regularly and am just starting to spear after spending a week up on Egg Harbor chasing freshwater drum.

Also, does anybody have recommendations for public access lakes in Waukesha county?
bjkiii - as far as recommendations for public boat access in Waukesha County and other counties for that matter: I would go to Walmart or a Gander Mountain and get a "Sportsman's connection, SOUTHERN WISCONSIN, fishing Map and Guide" There are about $20, but WELL WORTH IT!!! Tell you not only where all the public accesses are but, depths, terrain or the lake, rivers, ponds. They also give you a general guideline for Clearity. When ever I look for a new lake- I'm checking with this book first. As far as Lake Pewaukee. Not sure.

I've dove Pewaukee a few times, but it was always while doing a salvage job. In the summer time I remember closing my eyes while I searched because i kept imagining things in the zero vis water I was diving in. During the whitener the vis got a bit better, but no where near as good as other lakes around there.

The lake is fairly shallow, considering it's size, and the main attraction for divers is digging up old bottles form the ancient resorts that used to dot the lake during the end of the nineteenth century.

There are many other lakes to choose from. a good place to start is by looking them up on lakesat.org and finding the bluest ones you can. There should be some kind of public access and most all of them, but sometimes you really need to look.

Bjkiii -

There are Many other lakes in the area that are much better suited to spearing/freediving than Pewaukee.

Like - Lake Geneva, Lake Michigan, Beaulah, Pine, Nagawicka, Beaver...And the list goes on. Pewaukee has got to be like chocolate milk by now - But I may be wrong. I can't Imagine more than a foot or two of vis though.

Once the Freediving/Spearing bug bites you your hooked man. The amount and quality of gear you can get is endless almost - Next on my list is a set of Sporasub Variant Comp Full Foot Free Diving Fins.

Right now I'm just using some flimsy old Body Glove fins - But I made it to 45 foot today at Lower Genesee Lake & managed to stay down there about 10 seconds only. I'm pretty stoked considering my short term goal is 60 foot for 20-30 seconds bottom time. Looks like I need to find a new lake to get past 45 fow now!!!! When my new fins come in it should be EASY to get to 60 fow with them...Practice...Practice...Practice...I'll be there in no time.

Good luck Bjkiii - This site will provide you with lots of good reading... You may even meet some friends!!!! I'm just a novice myself and have been out spearing/freediving twice now with guys I met here. They were (are) MUCH more experienced than me and have all the GOOD gear. I learned alot from them and never once felt belittled because I'm somewhat outta shape and have pretty crappy gear. I was always made to feel like an equal to them even though I'm not as far as freediving/spearfishing goes. Thanks guys...You know who you are!!!

Whopper...Things are looking good for Wednesday. Message me or call...Where are you driving from? I may need help loading the canoe...Maybe we could leave from my house? :)

Man...The palooza footage looks good...Can't believe I could'nt make it...Bummer...Looked like alot of fun. I would've loved to try a mono-fin and one of them scooters - Not to mention meet a bunch of people who have the same addiction I do!!!!!!!
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I know it goes without mentioning it, but I'm going to anyway. Please be careful as you increase & ALWAYS have a buddy along TRAINED in freediving rescue. I don't want to hear that you were attempting something & had a shallow water blackout with no one else around.

Enough said. The little voice in my head can rest now.


I totally respect your warnings about SWB & sambas. I did however have my 20 y.o. son with me as a safety. I only go deep with him watching. I'm working on a dive rope-safety-depth measure type of thing made from PVC. I plan on building it and use to somewhat safely decend down to a weighted platform at the desired depth I'm going for. I'll be doing this while attached to it (the non stretch rope) with some sort of tangle free teather. The tether would also be used to pull the diver up in an emergency and will be tested thouroughly.

SWB & samba scares me - but unfortunately I can't always find a dive buddy when I can go. Is there ANY way to avoid SWB or a samba? Does it occur to people even when shallow spearfishing (say 10-20- feet) if your not pushing the breatholds too long?:confused:

I have had one or two instances where upon ascention (almost at the surface) that I did get a little lightheaded - I was alone. NOW I NEVER go for depth when I'm alone...NEVER.

I think the tether/dive rope thing is a good idea. Do you?

I saw a picture of one (a dive rope platform thingy) that had weights that were manually released to BRING you up in an emergency. It would be cool to put some kind of timer on a contraption like that to release the weights AUTOMATICALLY after a pre-set time.

I'm gonna come up with a way...Maybe somebody else can too! It would be awesome for those solo loner dives that I unfortunatly do too often. Again, I never go too deep or try PB's alone. Usually just polespearing 10-20 ft. down or less.

When and If I finish my dive thingy (the automatic one) I'll post pics.
Most likely I'll just build the simpler one and NEVER go for PB's without a partner.

P.S. My son and I are both strong swimmers (without fins) and we both took a cpr class. But thanks Pinggene...I DO apreciate your warnings. I AM afterall probably the newest newbie on here.

I mostly freedive fairly shallow 10-20 ft. with a polespear but the whole depth thing and longer breath holds & bottom times is really getting me lately...Its like I'm obsessed almost! I wish I would've started doing this 20 years ago.

Anyone know of a class or course locally for freedivers? I don't have much money for classes but it would be money well spent in my opinion.
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Bgill - I've been looking for a local class - with no success. I see lots of SCUBA classes available. I even thought about going over seas to get to a freediving class. But with my work schedule and my Wife saying "Your not leaving this country without me!" - Makes it a little hard. You maybe the newbie on this site, but your Breath holds are better than mine! But I've been Practicing in the pool about every other day. (with adult supervision of course).

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