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Nemrod Speargun

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Dec 11, 2012
Hello, I am an avid recreational diver who has been diving and teaching in the south florida area for over 10 years. With some breaks in the islands. Anyway the real reason for my post is I have come to aquire a real treat to any collecters out there. This is a Fusil Submarino NemRod Model Crucero.
I am looking for information on this gun, and any insight would be very appriciated. Thank you.

I will work on the pics.
Post pics now


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Reactions: maskedmirage
Welcome to the forum, that is a very interesting gun & we do have some resident experts around here, hopefully they will be along shortly.
I just got a Nemrod Clipper II that looks as new as the day the person bought it but the pump is missing. So with out that one vital piece, the gun is useless. I I am looking for a schematic of the gun for maintenance and a picture of what the pump looks like so I can search it out. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Wow looks antique :D. I think i would come up with even more questions than anything helpful but still.. this is a pneumatic right? And this crank at the back is for pumping up the pressure in order to fire this truely interesting piece of gun?
And if so... do you have to pump after each shot like the old air guns?
And BTW check my thread... tell me what u think about my stuff coming soon.
No pump attached to the gun but a removable plastic plug to give you access to a screw in pump valve that would be used to charge the gun. The air is captive in the cylinder just behind the trigger that is midway on the gun. The length of the tube that holds the spear is part of the air cylinder. The piston is locked in place by the trigger and when released it would shoot down the length of the barrel pushing out the spear. As long as the seals were working properly the air cannot get out of the tube. As you push the spear into the barrel you would re-pressurize the pump for the next shot. I read on some threads in here that it would only need 20 pounds of air and you could shoot for a whole season.

It is a very nice gun and when properly maintained it would last a LONG time. The pump is the thing that I need to get it up and running. Since it was made in Spain I am sure all the fittings will be metric and if push comes to shove I will just machine a fitting and use a bicycle pump to activate the cylinder.
Ah ok i see. So basically its a modern type pneumatic just a few years older. But then what is this crank thing for behind the handle?? I still dont get that :).
Thx for the reply,
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