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newbie looking for a buddy near Dublin

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 17, 2015
Hi all,

I'm just starting out and looking for a buddy to do some diving. I'm based near Dublin but I don't mind a bit of a drive.

This is a great site with an unreal amount of info.


OK Shane - I am in the same boat as yourself! near enough Dublin and willing to travel also .. would be well up for meeting up.

How do you do a PM on this board?
Did anything happen with this?
I dive in the south east so if you're down this way let me know and I'd be happy to meet up / pass on some info.
Also the NAC in blanch have a 5m pool which might be an option when the sea condition are bad.
I'm in search of dive buddies too. Based in Cork but I'm in Dublin some weekends. So could arrange to meet you guys if you were heading out. Could set up a group whatsapp or something?
That sounds like an idea. We had a good trip this weekend. Would be up for travel down your way also.
That sounds like an idea. We had a good trip this weekend. Would be up for travel down your way also.

Yeah nice one. I will message you with my number so that we can get the group set up. Then any others interested can join.
Hi I'm based in Dublin and go to college in UCD. I'd love to get out in the water as all I've been able to do is dynamic stuff in the pool.
Hi I'm based in Dublin and go to college in UCD. I'd love to get out in the water as all I've been able to do is dynamic stuff in the pool.
Bradán, if you want you can message me with your contact number and ill add you to the whatsapp group.
Hello all,

Did you get a Dublin(ish) based whattsapp going in the end? If so, can I join and if not, are people looking to get one going?

Thanks :)
Hello guys, I'm new in the group. Been diving and spearfishing my whole and ill love to do it again in Ireland. Any help is appreciated. if that whatsapp group is a thing i would to be a part of it. Thanks!
Hi guys, I've been getting back into spearfishing after a break for a few years so my duckdives currently resemble a helicopter crash landing into the ocean and I have a lot to improve on but I'm based in Dun Laoghaire and have been training in Scotsmans Bay next to the pier a few times a week if anyone's interested in going out sometime? I'd love to join that group chat if it's a thing.
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