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Snack/Food Beach and Boat Day Trips

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2020
What are your proven foods or snacks that have worked to not screw up your dive times, when out on a diving trip all day or on a boat?

I was particularly wondering if eating raw fish any of you have noticed this is a good food to eat in the middle of dives.
Eating a fatty fried breakfast, not much carbs, helps reduce seasickness in my experience. It's an old remedy, I thought it was a joke but it has worked quite well for me - much better than cereals & milk.

If you eat a good fried breakfast e.g. bacon, egg, sausage, you don't need snacks. You really don't need lunch either but many folks will want something; best to keep it small.

Raw oily fish sounds like it might work but haven't tried it. Sashimi? Ceviche? Tinned sardines/bloaters? Smoked salmon? Kippers/red herrings? Actually I have eaten tinned sardines before diving and smoked salmon; don't recall any adverse effects.
I used to climb and later did triathlons and cycling. Power bars, cliff bars and jells (gels?) became popular. Personally I find Power Bars disgusting but they can be useful as I will only eat them if very depleted/hungry. Cliff bars are more edible/pleasant. Don't over do it though - just one. I once climbed with a guy who offered to bring all the food for our weekend trip - it turned out to be a bag of Power Bars! :(

In a similar vein, there was a vegetarian Sheffield climber who took a large bag of carrots to the Alps as his only food. Similarly there was a British vegetarian alpinist - perhaps the same guy - who carried only olive oil for sustenance on routes. Not recommended.

Energy drinks, like Gatorade, can cause "gastric distress", terrible stuff. There are some which are less distressing, Cytomax apple worked ok for a couple of us but safer to stick with water.
raw ginger prevents sea sickness with out the peel .The Banana helps reduce that acid burn feeling in the digestion area when i dive I stay away from citrus fruit apart from the kiwi hayward .i consume no name proteine bars and enervit compettion bars if fishing for more than 3 or 4 hours ,. Liquids water in summer kept hidden from sun heat as water hot causes vomiting . winter hot green tea in a thermos in a small dry bag with my floating marker bouy
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When it comes to maintaining optimal energy levels during diving trips, I've found that sticking to easily digestible and nutritious foods is key. While everyone's body responds differently, there are some tried and tested snacks that many divers swear by to avoid messing up dive times.
One staple that's often a hit is a ham and cheese pasta recipe. It's hearty enough to keep you full, yet not too heavy to cause discomfort underwater. Plus, it provides a good balance of carbohydrates and protein for sustained energy.
As for raw fish, it's a bit of a mixed bag. Some divers find that sushi or sashimi can sit well in their stomachs and provide a quick boost of energy between dives. However, others prefer to steer clear of raw fish due to concerns about potential digestive issues or food safety, especially when out on a boat.
Ultimately, the key is to listen to your body and find what works best for you. Experiment with different snacks and meals during your diving trips to see what keeps you feeling energized and focused underwater without risking any dive times. And of course, always prioritize safety and hygiene when it comes to food choices, especially in remote or aquatic environments.
I never eat real food on the boat. Crunchy peanut butter Cliff bars, trail mix, and Gatorade works for me.
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