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10 second CO2 table!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2001
Try this excruciating experiment:

- Rapidly drink a can of pop (or even beer!)
- Before you start burping, collapse your throat, pinch your nose and close your mouth
- Burp as much as possible into your mouth (keeping the air trapped in your mouth)
- Then, keeping your lips closed, use your cheeks to push the air into your lungs -- it will BURN at first
- Repeat as you continue burping and pushing the air into your lungs
- Because you are burping 100% CO2 gas, you will nearly instantly get contractions once you push the air into your lungs!
- No waiting for boring minutes of CO2 tables!

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Eric's last girlfriend sneezed Coke out of her nose. She couldn't live with the shame. :waterwork I guess you can't blame her from trying to expand her horizons.

Pete Scott
Vancouver, BC
hehe- that sounds like a fun experiment to do when you're drunk! :friday (don't try this at home kids. )

has anyone ever tried breathing an air-CO2 mixture from a cylinder on dry land? i'm not sure what % you could tolerate safely. it must be fairly easy to look up and work out. presumably you could experience CO2 narcosis providing you can tolerate very high CO2.
(jumping...) brup.... rofl damned, missed!!
(jumping...) brup... rofl rofl dam!!!
(jumping...) burp... rofl rofl rofl... gave up, those are not the expected contractions...

You can get CO2 cartridges for bicycle if you're really curious and take inhalation shots like an asthmatic! Has a strange metallic / rock taste though.

Peter S.
Originally posted by Longfins
...strange metallic / rock taste


Having given some thought to it, getting a CO2 hit from a bicycle inflation cartridge is probably NOT the best way of going about this. Reason is the stuff is industrial-grade gas, and as such is probably not purified of its impurities. Aside from the obvious death from hypoxia, you may accidentally get poisoned by exceeding the TLV (threshold limit value) of, say, arsine or some other nasty gas that's soluble in CO2. I used to buy cryogenic oxygen for experiments at work and the vendor made me sign a release acknowledging that it's not medical grade and I won't breathe the stuff.

Again, CO2 from tire inflation cartridges is NOT RECOMMENDED!

You can buy food grade CO2 in bottles that they used to carbonate beverages in bars. They come in 8L minimum (I think?) I used to rent the bottle and buy the gas all the time for airbrushing (it's a cheap source of dry air). You need to invest in a regulator, though. Of course, you can always ask your friendly bartender at the pub whether you can take a hit or two off their CO2 bottle behind the bar!

If I spend this much time thinking about how best to breathe CO2, maybe I'm the one who needs the girlfriend! :D

Peter S.
I'm thinking that Eric just invented a really cool beer drinking game for Freedive-A-Palooza! :D

Maybe this will be a comptitive even after all.;)

You can get small CO2 cartridges to use on a water siphon... the ones used to make carbonated water but for domestic use (they look the same than the bike ones!!!): If they sale them to use in drinks, they must be safe to breathe...

The siphon should enable you to fill a bag, from where is easy to breathe your CO2.
I find it funny to hear you talk about this.

Now that I read it I remember A habit from when I was a kid.

I used to take bottels of carbonated water. Shake em up well, keeping my thumb on the (?) top (?)...
Breathe out and inhale the gas.

I thought I was doing something highly illegal and was very sneaky about it...

Just thought I´ld let you know...

I always was an CO2 addict :eek: :naughty
He he.. I can imagine Eric Fattah on a restaurant.. Burp scvulp burp scvulp ahhhhhh. All the guests are thinking you got a rare disease..
You could use CO2 fire extinguishers too. When I was a kid I used to wrap a cloth rag around the extinguisher nozzle and collect the frozen CO2 snow, pack it into a ball, and then drop it in water. The dry ice bubbles made for the cool sci-fi effect. I imagine that stuff is industrial grade too. Cool thread, I gotta try it!

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