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Podcast 18x World Champion Freediving Legend William Trubridge, and Hollywood Freedive Trainer Kirk Krack

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Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999
LISTEN NOW: Listen To This Episode Of The DeeperBlue Podcast

Welcome to the DeeperBlue Podcast! Scuba Diving, Freediving, Dive Travel, and Ocean Advocacy: the DeeperBlue Podcast is your weekly guide to everything happening around the world… underwater.

In Episode 5, we’ve got some epic freediving stories to listen to.

We have an interview with William Trubridge – 18x World Record holder and multiple world champion Freediver. He talks to us about what drove him to push him in ways that push the boundaries of what humans can do underwater.

Then we hear from Kirk Krack, pioneering freediving educator and Hollywood freediving trainer who’s worked on films such as Mission Impossible, and the upcoming Avatar sequels. He gives us some advice on how to achieve peak performance in getting to your target depth.

And then finally we hear from Nick Brunn on his Best Dive Ever.

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