It's January 2005 and while it's always nice to slide in to the New Year with nary a worry or care, it's not that way for a few DB members and many, many thousands of people in Indonesia and the surrounding countries after being nailed by some tsunamis.
We here like to laugh often about others plights when it comes to unimportant stuff like ripping suits and missing fish, but this month we're going to join those that are giving to those that haven't smiled much since their lives were literally flushed away. And sooo...
Not only will the winner of this month's Contest receive the customary T shirt or coffee mug, but in addition, I'll send a donation of $100 US to the Red Cross for use in the victim's recovery efforts with the winner's name on it. It's why I'm the Sultan of Smooth. I've got zero problem with this but I'm not going to give a cool C-note away in care of you for just any schlock entry- you gotta be funny! rofl
To wit, here's a shot of an Ab Grab past where Aquiles, Jeff and I are discussing the days events whilst the ladies are burning the evening meal, and I already wish I never said that... :blackeye Come up with a funny and as clean as you can, FCC and all :rcard entry to the photo and be a hero to those that have a looong grind ahead of 'em.
This is going to be a good year. Please.
We here like to laugh often about others plights when it comes to unimportant stuff like ripping suits and missing fish, but this month we're going to join those that are giving to those that haven't smiled much since their lives were literally flushed away. And sooo...
Not only will the winner of this month's Contest receive the customary T shirt or coffee mug, but in addition, I'll send a donation of $100 US to the Red Cross for use in the victim's recovery efforts with the winner's name on it. It's why I'm the Sultan of Smooth. I've got zero problem with this but I'm not going to give a cool C-note away in care of you for just any schlock entry- you gotta be funny! rofl
To wit, here's a shot of an Ab Grab past where Aquiles, Jeff and I are discussing the days events whilst the ladies are burning the evening meal, and I already wish I never said that... :blackeye Come up with a funny and as clean as you can, FCC and all :rcard entry to the photo and be a hero to those that have a looong grind ahead of 'em.
This is going to be a good year. Please.
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