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2005's SPECIAL Caption Contest!!

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icarus pacific

Nov 7, 2001
It's January 2005 and while it's always nice to slide in to the New Year with nary a worry or care, it's not that way for a few DB members and many, many thousands of people in Indonesia and the surrounding countries after being nailed by some tsunamis.

We here like to laugh often about others plights when it comes to unimportant stuff like ripping suits and missing fish, but this month we're going to join those that are giving to those that haven't smiled much since their lives were literally flushed away. And sooo...

Not only will the winner of this month's Contest receive the customary T shirt or coffee mug, but in addition, I'll send a donation of $100 US to the Red Cross for use in the victim's recovery efforts with the winner's name on it. It's why I'm the Sultan of Smooth. :cool: I've got zero problem with this but I'm not going to give a cool C-note away in care of you for just any schlock entry- you gotta be funny! rofl

To wit, here's a shot of an Ab Grab past where Aquiles, Jeff and I are discussing the days events whilst the ladies are burning the evening meal, and I already wish I never said that... :blackeye Come up with a funny and as clean as you can, FCC and all :rcard entry to the photo and be a hero to those that have a looong grind ahead of 'em.

This is going to be a good year. Please.
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So that's where Aquiles got his limit of 10 incher's...

(Dear god, I didn't wan't to write that but i couldn't stop laughing. This had better finally put me in the winners circle.)
Once again in the name of the improvement of our DB members apnea; Sven and the gang endanger their lives for a scientific experiment.

Is there useable O2 in Farts?????

In this instance is the jar half empty or half full rofl rofl rofl
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The look on aquilles' face can only mean one thing:

"I'm not getting in those water!"

or maybe two things:

"I hope that was Sven's foot that just rubbed against mine..."

(good one defof...)
"Aquilles contemplates the ramifications of entering the swimsuit optional zone."
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tuomo, i guess they are in the middle of lesson one:

Snorkels dont work when fully submerged ;)
"Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in the tub!" rofl

or, in a more diving-oriented quote...

"Hey, turn the tank valve off before it is empty!"

Sven thinks as he looks off, disgusted: "One of these years, the Cuban's gonna get the hint about wearing that friggin' Banana Hammock!"
Erik Y.
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With the tantalizing aroma of perfectly cooked ;) abalone wafting on the breeze, Sven finds himself contemplating the Male-Female ratio in the hottub. "I mean, how long can it possibly take to cook those things anyway? What's keepin' the ladies for so long in the kitchen? Maybe I gotta re-think who cooks the dinner in the future... even burned dinner would be preferable to spending another ten minutes in here with these ugly mugs."

At this point Aquiles opts for the side of the hottub. "Geez!" thinks Sven, "couldn't he have left his wetsuit on or somethin'?? When it comes to lookin at this guy, less is definately more! Someone's gonna have to get the word out that showin' off the speedos is pretty low on the smooth scale..."

Glancing directly across the hottub he notices that Jeff seems to be unusually cheerfull given the grim scenery. "Maybe that's not water in that jar" he muses. "How else could he be enjoying himself that much if he's not at least half under the table? I mean," he thinks with disgust "the only way things could get worse right now is if someone showed up with a camera and then posted the pic on DB!!"

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ALLRIGHT!!! Who dropped the soap??? I'm not getting it , not with these Poriferas around the thermal vents!!! One little prick from them and the swelling doesn't go down for 9 months!!!!

rofl :girlie
Sven: Get in ya Migrant!
Aqui: No.
Sven: Get in!
Aqui: No, dont wanna.
Sevn: Why not?
Aqui: Dont have my inner tube...

(Officially approved by the censor)
((But if anyones offended gimme a yell))
As we join our distinguished scientific crew, we see that the latest developments in transdermal beer continue apace . . .
DeeperBlue.net Freediving Clinics

$150 USD - Four day freediving clinic to be given at dive training tank in Portsmouth (Portsmouth, TX.)

Cost covers hitch-hiking and/or other minor travel expenses, beer runs, use of RV Park facilities (toilets, vending machines, ping pong table).

Dive tank available until wife gets home from job. Speedos available for rent. Call ahead for sleeping accomodations. Please specify couch, floor, or lawn chair.

Instructors: Martin Steppinaked, Tom Siesta, and Loic Lefermented


  • Jan 2005 DB.jpg
    Jan 2005 DB.jpg
    231.7 KB · Views: 294
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Had me too! I thought you were a a$$hole taking advantage!
To funny :D I got it in the end :duh
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