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2011 carp - o - rama

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Wisconsin Speargun Hunter
Mar 2, 2007
WHEN: May 28th 9am - 12pm

WHERE: MADISON LAKES (Mendota, Monona or Lake Waubesa)

WHO: Who ever likes to kill Carp

Your dive gear, spearguns, floats, fishing license, Post Dive Beverages, and Food (We can have a grill there)

We will meet at OLBRICH PARK on the EAST end of MONONA. This will serve as the rally point. We may have a few Prizes for Largest Carp and/or Most Carp. This event is for ASIAN, COMMON, GRASS or GLASS CARP not Buffalo. This should be Prime Time for Carp Spawning.

You basically can start at whatever time you want at any of the 3 lakes, and we will meet up at 12:00 (noon).

The Event could be canceled due to weather so, check this post for an update that morning.

Hope to see lots of you participate! :friday
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I'll be there unless something comes up, hopefully will be a good learning experience. I'm not familiar with the area and am new to spearfishing freshwater in general. Does anyone want to meet up before and dive together?

I'll bring all my gear, I work part time at a beef and hotdog stand in Chicago, so will be able to get some stuff from the restaurant to bring up.

Sounds good. Ive just got to get out of work, but i should be there
Now, keep in mind. Just because we will be slaying Carp does not mean - I won't be shooting some pan fish. Because I will be!
Just marked the date in my calendar and will be there as long as the forces of chaos stay busy elsewhere. I will probably get a room Friday night unless someone wants to throw a tent up in their back yard for a 9 to 10 PM arrival. I would like to team up with one of you guys who knows the area.
This will be perfect timing to get first blood on the 46" lacewood "Carp Slayer" that I'm building.
Everyone is Free to spear anywhere on these 3 lakes. But I will give my 2 cents of areas that can be somewhat successful.

MENDOTA: Stay on the WEST or NORTH ENDS, There is a boat launch in 'University Bay' - One in Governor NELSON State Park (but be careful - Wardens are jumpy about our spearguns), There is also an ISLAND off of CINDER LANE that holds lots of CARP.

MONONA: I recommend the Park off of PATERSON STREET (North end of the Lake near the Capital) Or OLIN TURVILLE PARK on the North West Side., OR OLBRICH PARK (the After Dive Meeting Point)

WAUBESA: If it's Clear - is AWESOME. The Launch off of LIBBY RD is good or GOODLAND PARK. Very Shallow - lots of Carp.
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I just got word from Dano at Mako Spearguns that they will be donating one of their Ultra Low Volume masks for the prize table!

MAKO Spearguns - ** NEW ** MAKO Freediver ULV

Also, I think Seth (srmccall) and I will be smoking a few pork butts at my dad's house in New Glarus Friday evening to be ready for lunch at noon on Saturday. A head count would be great so we could figure out how much pulled pork to bring.
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I will be there and Tass - I think my GF will be tagging along to spectate and maybe Kayak. So thats 3
I am going to miss the best event for the year :head:head
anyone ready to do it on 20-21th of May..post here..I am in
I may go Diving on the 21st with you. I have to check my schedule at work.
A Few Items being donated to the Prize Table for this event:

MAKO Freediving Mask ULV

Large - HammerHead Open-Cell coated Gloves

XL - 1mm HammerHead Lycra Rash Guard


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I would like to go, never been spearfishing yet tho, bowfishing,scubadiving and snorkeling experience, im assuming this is freediving only, if i cant hold my breath for 4 minutes etc am i wasting my time??
Is anyone driving in from a distance and if so would you like to split the cost of a hotel room as I would like to get up there Friday night. Might even stay Saturday night. Also playing with the idea of stopping at Black hawk recreational area on Sunday on the way back to Iowa. Perhaps camp it Sat and/or Sunday.
im assuming this is freediving only, if i cant hold my breath for 4 minutes etc am i wasting my time??

IF you want to scuba - you can, but I think it is a waste of time and energy. Not too mention the "bubbles" will scare away the carp. When I go spearfishing my breath holds are usually 1 min. no need for longer. sometimes I don't ever have to break the surface. you should come check it out.
I'm not familiar with these lakes, does anyone mind me tagging along with them... or does anyone else thats unfamiliar want to pair up?
There is a Park (small) on the north end of the lake at the END of S. PATERSON STREET. If you want to meet us there- that is fine. I'm sure there will be several people there. We also refer to this spot as THE OUTLET. IT's actually on Spaight St, Madison. (google it or map quest)
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