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2james 3rd annual keys kraze

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Originally posted by icarus pacific

with Cliff. :girlie


Yea i am using :girlie euro.But it acts like M-16 in my deadly hands Anyway it may be a good oportunity to buy one hybrid and one riffe without shipping fee.Unfortunatelly i have school, exams and no extra few thousand dollar to come:waterwork.
Aww, come on Anderson, I just downplay my truly suave nature so you won't feel embarrassed. :hmm You should have seen what a hit I was at DEMA with the female construction workers!


Construction workers, eh?

We've got some work to do this weekend. Rumor has it that you're being paired up w/ me, Sven w/ Rig, and the Migrant w/ Stylron. :friday We'll have to go over strategy and things. Last time I waited till someone brought in a good fish and was all craps and giggles about it, then I whipped out the fish's father. Yeah, the person didn't feel too good about their fish any more. Then I'd make someone else feel incompetent by bringing up a slew of fish and thanking them for leading me to the spot. :t Shoot another good fish right from under them, and they're worthless for the rest of the day. Yeah, it's all about strategy. Get em swimming in circles, bumpin into one another and you're golden. :blackeye

Ah, I just remembered... you gotta be careful about pissing off the people you're in the water with. Last time, I got bot my hands stuck in a Red Grouper's mouth and no one would help me. They all just pointed and laughed at me. :waterwork Could you imagine Jay and Aquiles doing such a thing? The nerve, eh?

You were the one putting your hands where they don't belong. It serves you right:t If it happened again i promise that I would do the same thing. Think about it, at least you were entertained for a while! Your just lucky that was not a girl, you would have lost both arms!

but, butt, buht...

But I wanted to dive with Cliff and Murat!!:waterwork

:hmm Well it's up to Mike then to point out those tasty ornamentals and further the cause de Riffe....

More artsy articulage!

Having some time away from my usual modeling and psychic channeling career led me to wax articulate about those unfortunates to whom the American lingo is unknown and misunderstood. Call me a martyr, but here's some additions for your dicktionary.

snorkel- a rubber or plastic tube used for breathing whilst at the surface when freediving. See also a Lewinski.

wetsuit- a piece of rubber you wear to keep warm and safe. You can also use it for when you go diving.

one piece- a wetsuit made in, uh... one piece! Also when the hottie stays the evening.

two piece- when she stays for breakfast.

beaver tail- the piece of the wetsuit jacket that gets run betwixt the legs and fastened to keep the jacket on.
see also snapper. :t

mid handle- when the handle of the speargun is about 2/3rds down the length of the gun. Also when you can accomplish a reach around the hottie's waist.

rear handle- see butt.

muzzle- the front of the gun where the bands and spear are threaded to the gun. Also handy for getting a barge to shut her yap.

descent- to go down. 'nuff said.

breathup- catching your breath before a descent, the length of wihich depends on the depth, sea state and her hygiene.

stringer- the length of cable :ycard or tuna cord that you thread your catch onto and the series of words you thread together chatting up the barge whilst scoping for hotties.

flasher- a single or string of shiny pieces used to attract fish. This also describes the Stylron method of pulling aside his pants and asking, "Does this look infected?" :mute

anchor- the heavy thing on the pointy end of the boat, most often called the bow. Also describes a hottie after she tires of you and starts eating chocolates and watching Oprah. See Barge in training.

skin in- look, if I have to tell you... see also descent.

chest load- loading your gun against your rippling pectorals. see also REAL hottie!:inlove

stomach load- figure it out huh?

mask- it goes on your face; varieties include single and double lens, high and low volume, tinted and mirrored and the Aquiles beer goggle. see also Pie Eyed.

stalk- the act of sneaking up on the fish. Divers in the Midwest use the term to describe local flora.

OZ- a term for Austrailia, truly a bitchin' place and home to a bunch of midget types that party with Judy Garland. Also home to more good looking blonde hotties than anywhere else in this guy's World, excepting Utah, but there's no diving there so who cares??

bug- slang for a lobster and any little something she leaves you that necessitates a trip to the doc for a shot.

Hawaiian shaft- a spear shaft with a single flopper, pointing downward. Also for Pac Island love.

Tahitian shaft- the flooper is up on this one. South Pac Island love

free shaft- when it doesn't cost a thing. Da kine!

Florida- not a bad place to dive and play bingo as you near death. Also renowned for it's large number of mullet-sportin' white trash, trailer park living, TV cop show actors. There's also a lot of very nice tall mountains too.

fathom- maritime speak for 6 feet or about 2 meters; also a word used by educated types to describe their disbelief, as in "I can't fathom how you missed that fish?!"

Anything else you need to know, just ask. :king

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good to know we'll be able to understand the yanks when we're down there.... ;-)

On a sid enote - anyone know how much the charters/boat rentals were last year? Still trying to figure out how much this jaunt is going to set me back. Nightly rates for camping?

I really want to dive with you sven and cliff, i really glad to dive with any of you.But bring me to the fish heaven areas plz.Just let me to collect the enough money for kk07 or 08.I may be there in few years.:duh
OK y'all, here's on off the top of my head:
REEL- a plastic or metal device used to hold extra line on a speargun; or Hey, check out that hottie, do you think they're REAL?(see chestload)
FAR - Shots over 18', or what Jay builds in the middle of his campsite to stay warm.

BARD - Vertical lines on a fish such as the wahoo, or a verb, "Sven bard Andrsn's gun after his didn't work too well."

HAZE - Term for murky water or a conjunctive phrase, "Haze too drunk to notice she's a bardge"

[ame=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=marathon+%2Bboat+rentals+%2Bkeys]Boat Rentals[/ame]
The Campsite's at mile marker 47.

Just ask if you need more help.

Originally posted by Jay Styron
Hey, check out that hottie, do you think they're REAL?(see chestload)

Sure they're REAL...REAL big!

How about Band...1) the rubber that powers your shaft for penetration or 2) what you tell the hotties you belong to...i.e. yeah, we're in a band here shooting a video. This could lead to definition 1.
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Originally posted by icarus pacific
I dunno... might be too much experience for this guy... :hmm

Remember Darth Svender...even the student can be the teacher...Im just going to be happy to see the bottom for a change!

Andrsn...if we change partners do I get to keep the money you gave me to dive with Sven?:t
Originally posted by rigdvr
Im just going to be happy to see the bottom for a change!

Andrsn...if we change partners do I get to keep the money you gave me to dive with Sven?:t

I didn't realize "seeing his bottom" would have been a sufficient bribe! :yack

Well he is coming from california...land of the fruits and the nuts, hell, even the weather is queer there
Oh this has all the makings of a pathetic 'spearos gone wild' tape.


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