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a common question, which speargun to choose :)

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Oct 16, 2016
dear spearfishers,

i'm a spearfisher since 5 years and now i'm willing to change my spear gun and i'm a bit confused between the following 4 spearguns:

1 - Omer Cayman Camo 3D -------------- 85cm
2 - Omer Cayman Special Edition ------ 90 cm
2 Mares Viper Pro DS --------------------- 90 cm
3 - Imersion Eskwad Pro ----------------- 90 cm

my current is an old Beuchat Akra 90 cm

what do you think
What's wrong with your Beuchat Ackra 90cm?
it's a bit damaged and it took two times a strong hit so the main aluminum tube isn't that straight anymore and when i shoot the spear ain't that precise.
What feature do you like/dislike about the Ackra, before it was bent? Which features appeal on the listed spearguns?
For a 90cm gun I would choose one with aluminium cuttlefish shape barrel.

The Omer Cayman HF (owned in 95cm) is a good gun and very easy to move side by side.

The Omer Cayman Special Edition I see on the web that it comes with 3x14mil bands and 6.5mil shaft. Maybe to much power for such light shaft. For 6.5mil shaft @120cm I would go with 1x18mil or 2 x14.5mil (but you have to try to see what is best for you).

Mares Viper Pro has round barrel and therefore I will pass it. But for hole hunting (only) I prefer round barrel.

Imersion Eskwad Pro looks good but never used it.
I too like the idea of cuttlefsih shaped barrel (low resistance to turning, some resistance to vertical recoil kick).

Some other things to consider:
- screw-in bands vs. bulk rubber.
- wishbone (e.g. articulated, wire, dyneema, which in turn can affect the style of spear e.g. notch/pin/sharkfin)

Of the brands mentions: In general I like Omer. I am a little wary of Mares spearguns based on some on-line reviews I read when looking at a previous model a year or two ago. I feel pretty neutral about Imersion (I have an Orcas-clip & dive flag from them - both better than average).
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