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A million and one newbie questions

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Deeper Blue Hypoxyphiliac
Oct 24, 2002
Well OK, maybe not a million... :)

Just got a handfull of questions, mainly things I've wondered about before but never really had someone to ask... this forum is pretty good!

Firstly, I've been diving and spearing since I was a wee little todger, and now I've hit the big bad 20, I'm getting more serious as to where/how I dive. One of the problems I have is in equalising - it's not that I can't do it, or that it hurts, it's just that it takes me a little while to do it. I do a bit of scuba as well (OK, read maybe 10 dives in a good year), and then, I have no probs going 30m, it just takes a minute or two longer. You can probably see the problem here - a minute or two longer out of a freedive is something I can't really afford.
Because of this, my deepest dive so far is around the 7m or so mark, and I stayed there trying to equalise for a while, ascending occassionally, but that didn't really seem to help... any ideas?

Secondly, my dynamic training consists of doing laps of a 25m pool - how many laps should I be aiming for on the one breath for say a 15m dive? I haven't been in the water for about 6 months, then the other day I jumped back in and did 2 laps (50m) with board shorts and a set of body boarding fins (about 10 cm long). I'm kinda thinking that with real fins, I should at least be able to reach the 10-12m mark, and thats what's annoying me.

On this, how many 25m laps would the good guys be able to do? Like say Pippin - he dives pretty deep in the ocean, but without a weight, and having to turn every 25m, ho good would he go?

OK, for a more physics type question... 95% of my diving is done in Jervis bay, Australia (3 hours south of Sydney) and up close to the shore. Occassionally I head up to Cairns (Far North Queensland, Australia), and dive off the outer reefs there. In general, I find that if I dive down a little without equalising, it hurts a lot more at Cairns than at JB. What's the reason for this? I came up with a few answers - the further out water may have some effect, the fact that the waters a lot clearer and you dont realise your depth, or maybe a physilogical one, like the air is warmer so your ears are more sensitive - any ideas?

Next on the list... is anyone aware of any freediving courses/schools in or around the Canberra, Australia region? I've searched through the phone books and through shops, but the best I can find is a scuba shop that will teach me how to 'snorkel' - allthough I've been diving a while, I think it's a good idea if I want to be serious about this to take a lesson.

Finally, there seems to be a few books available on freediving (such as the one by Terry Maas) but I can't seem to find anything on training regimes to reach really good apnea times (this is another reason I want to find a diving instructor). Can anyone recommend any available in Australia?

Thanks a lot to everybody for any help they can provide with this, and good luck with your diving!

Yo ...

One answer to one question ....

Try equalizing at the surface before commencing the dive - this normally helps a lot. Also remember the old hag about 'early and often' - don't wait untill your ears hurt before you equalize.

If there's a big difference in water tempaeratur it would also affect eq - the colder the water, the more it would hurt if you don't eq enough.

Hope this helps.

About equalizing.. you might try turning like you would be going up again and equalize and then turn back to go deeper.. it seems that many people have problems equalizing when vertical..head-down....Have you read the thread about Frenzel-Fattah Technique......http://www.ericfattah.com/equalizing.html
There is some help for that matter...to me that has worked always!! no matter vertical or what ever...
Hope it helps!
my 2c..
Hi all.... First time poster, long time lurker...

Loopy, don't know if you have heard about them or not, but Freedive Australia runs freediving courses, albeit up in Sydney. I think mostly they are geared toward beginners, but they supposedly run advanced courses, or will do in the future.

Check them out at www.freedive.com.au, they are in Hawaii for the C'ships at the moment, but should be running a course sometime next month.

about equalizing...

I just finished a beginners course by Performance Freediving in Vancouver BC Canada and equalizing was a big hurdle for me.

The first open water session I didn't equalize BEFORE I descended and I didn't equalize OFTEN enough. That caused major discomfort and I ended up concentrated more on that than some of the other things.

SASpearo said it right, EARLY & OFTEN! The next day's open water session during some pull downs I was equalizing every other hand pull!! It sure felt better. Kirk Krack also said that NOT looking to the bottom on the descent and looking at the line kept the head in a better attitude to make clearing easier. Yep, that worked too. I was much more comfortable that day where I could concentrate on the other things to get me down and up.

On a side note, Kirk Krack and Performance Freediving are a class act! I'll be going back for more in the future.

Good Luck, Dive Safe!

Thanks all!

Thanks everyone for the replies!
Does anyone know any answers to the other questions?

SASpearo: What you say about cold water makes sense, and it's exactly what I thought - but the water that hurt more was the warm water, the cold water was fine... maybe it had something to do with growing up in colder water?

Pekka: That frenzel document is great, it even explains packing, which is the other thing I was wondering about... Do you personally use the Frenzel technique?

h2schmo: I checked ou freedive.com.au, and it's exaclty what I was after, thanks! I just today picked up a copy of International Freediving and Spearfishing News (Oct/Dec 02) and there's an article by a guy who went there, and did their 'basic' course - they took him from hunting at 20m to a 33m dive... I think they can help me :)

1 Tadpole: I think you might have hit it! Sitting in my chair, I can 'op' my ears by moving the right muscles above my jaw sitting up straight, but when I stick my head upside down between my legs, they won't pop - thanks for the tip! Actually, come to think of it, when on scuba, I usually have more luck decending feet first...

OK, to everyone: One other thing I thought of, with regards to equalising, I rememebr a couple of occasions when equalising on scuba, and I could actualy hear a high pitch whine as the air work it's way out - is this normal, or am I equalising too late? I remember reading somewhere part of your ear closes, stopping you from being able to equalise once you reach a certain pressure above what's in your ears - would this whine mean I'm on the boderline of it?

Thanks again to everyone for their help, and good luck to all with your diving!

Re: Thanks all!

Originally posted by loopy
I just today picked up a copy of International Freediving and Spearfishing News

Is that the Aussie "newspaper" ?
Man it's the BEST ...:cool:
Hey loopy , if you want to get rid of any back copies ...;)

Haha my copies are all mutilated with pictures on my wall :)

But yeah, it's an insane magazine - I've only got about 6 issues though, they never used to get it in to any newsagents I went to :(

Good luck with the diving!

Yet another question

Hey again all...

Just came up with another question... How do you blow those really cool bubble rings? :) I've seen a guy on scuba do it before, but he wouldn't tell me... just saw it in a video again that reminded me...

One other thing I thought of, with regards to equalising, I rememebr a couple of occasions when equalising on scuba, and I could actualy hear a high pitch whine as the air work it's way out - is this normal, or am I equalising too late? I remember reading somewhere part of your ear closes, stopping you from being able to equalise once you reach a certain pressure above what's in your ears - would this whine mean I'm on the boderline of it?
I think you saved me a long answer, that's my guess for the reason, that, or maybe equalizing too hard, which can also be harmful.
You better over-equalize than under-equalize, so start equalizing more often, and try to use just the amount of pressure needed to "open" your ears, in a while, you'll fine tune it.

and about those bubble rings, I'm no expert, but I think I managed creating a few good rings in the past.
unlike smoke-rings, that you need to create by doing something with your jaw (I can't do them, and I don't smoke. :D), with bubble rings you just need to open your mouth and exhale a larg amount of air at once, and sometimes it makes a ring for some reason. :cool:
Just don't do it too deep, it might be risky.

Tell me if it worked. :)
Re: Thanks all!

Originally posted by loopy
Thanks everyone for the replies!
Does anyone know any answers to the other questions?

Pekka: That frenzel document is great, it even explains packing, which is the other thing I was wondering about... Do you personally use the Frenzel technique?

OK, to everyone: One other thing I thought of, with regards to equalising, I rememebr a couple of occasions when equalising on scuba, and I could actualy hear a high pitch whine as the air work it's way out - is this normal, or am I equalising too late? I remember reading somewhere part of your ear closes, stopping you from being able to equalise once you reach a certain pressure above what's in your ears - would this whine mean I'm on the boderline of it?

Thanks again to everyone for their help, and good luck to all with your diving!


I have always used frenzel..atleast as long as I can remember..it was natural to me, for some freaky reason...

Bubble rings... ok I asked about them as well.. Now I know how to make them.. you gotta have your head level with the surface so when you blow the bubble it will go straight towards the surface.. and when you blow the air out...just blow hard and make o shape with your mouth... the bubble will spin hard and if succesful it'll spin hard enough to keep your air as one big O shaped ring till it hit's the surface...
So the main thing is to keep your head level and wait a while..currents spoil your rings easily... and blow hard to create stronger spin... happy buble blowing!:p
My new training program...

Haha thanks guys - for all those who care, here's my new you-beaut dinky-di aussie training program :)

1 hour pool work, being 55 mins of dynamic apnea and 5 mins of 'bubble ring blowing'
1 hour on the bike, doing 20+ k's on a hill circuit

Haha and I still can't blow properly :)
This Monday I tried the bubble ring thingy at 6meter (18-20 feet) deep, and i felt pretty uncomfertable losing all my air that deep.
and without a buddy to watch, I stoped after the second try.

Does anyone else feel uneasy when blowing air at depth?

Yeah!! A new PB... 57m, and tomorrow I am so gunna break 60... :D

Thanks to everyone for their help, it makes training so much easier! :)

Sorry for using up posting space, just excited now... :D

Yeah! :)

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