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A question for Lingcod hunters

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I think the Euro gun Kale is talking about was mine and yes get a thick shaft for lings. The shaft on my omer t20 bent in half after I shot a big (medium) sheepshead. The fish swam about six feet into a cave wedged the spear and destroyed it. I LOVE my euro gun but a jbl with a thick shaft seems ideal. Just get the wood one, the metal one is the heaviest piece of crap.
The MT0 is pretty cool. I have one with an enclosed track - it is a vinyl insert and it makes the gun very quiet. Shooting with a 5/8 and a 9/16 band and a 1/4x34 shaft it is spot on two wraps out (12 feet). Such a short shaft is very difficult to bend but, obviously, you can vary the shaft/band config for different conditions. Also extremely sturdy and the trigger mech is unphased by sand.
I like a pole spear because wher i hunt ther is a lot of smaller fish. On an average dive i will get a limit of rockfish. Mostly 15 to 17 inch blues and a few black and yellows. Then i will go shallow and hunt the striped perch. On a good day i will get around 15 to 20 fish. A speargun takes to long to get the fish off and reload for this kind of hunting. But when i see that big ling again out will come my speargun.
Not to worry we eat all the fish, got a family fo five and a couple of old folks that cant dive anymore that love fresh fish.
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