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A student stumbles upon freediving...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Apr 10, 2020
Hey everyone!

Just thought I'd make a little post and introduce myself to any and all on the forums.

As you can see from the thread title, I'm a student, which means I'm currently stuck at home under quarantine whiling away the time I should probably be using for revision... oops. I happened across a video of a man named Mike Boyd learning to hold his breath for 4 minutes on youtube ( - if anyone is interested. Seems like an interesting guy that enjoys learning a variety of skills in his spare time) and I decided that learning to increase my breath holds would be at least somewhat productive procrastination.. so here I am!

On a side note - I'd be interested to see what proportion of the forums are students themselves - have I just stumbled upon all my acquaintances' secret passion or am I a rarity here?

A little background about me: I've been in and around water since a very young age, funnily enough always more comfortable under the surface, my Dad is a Master Scuba Diver so inevitably I got dragged into the underwater world (thankfully), have been scuba diving when I can for a number of years (PADI AOW is in the works...), and I'd hope I'm classed as already athletic, so that should hopefully help my attempts!

That's all from me, drop a message and say hi, especially if you're around West Yorkshire (home) or the West Midlands (university), and maybe it'll be the start of a good friendship eh?
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