Hi Joel,
From what I've seen in the catalog, I'm pretty sure this masked is actually a rebadged Dacor Bandit.
I have a Bandit, it has very low volume, even compared to the Super Ochio, or normal Abyss style mask. My problem with it was that it leaked at the sides, it could be that it didn't fit my face well. I know others who have had the same problem and prefer the Cressi Minima.
I got the Minima a few weeks ago and it fits well, doesn't leak. The lenses are glass compared to the Bandit's plastic lenses. It could just be a fit thing, everyone's face is different.....
Bear in mind that both masks have very limited vision, and wouldn't be ideal for spearing, photography etc. If you want low volume, these are your pick, both have similar volume, Bugger all !
These masks are pretty much ideal for depth diving, ie comps and stuff and are VERY easy to equalise. Have used the Minima down to 48m myself and it definitely helps compared to a 'normal' mask.
Hope that helps.