Spelling is KEY to this game....I always see tons of mistakes...Hence it kinda ruin's the game...for me anyways. :hmm
I'm not trying to bust anyones chops or pick on JamesS....But if one of the words in the acronym is totally mis-spelled - especially the FIRST letter of a word....IT'S NOT AN ACRONYM!!!!!!!! :naughty Envigorating IS NOT a word...Invigorating IS - But spelled properly- the word invigorating does not fit the acronym!
in·vig·or·ate - /ɪnˈvɪg
əˌreɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-
uh-reyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing. to give vigor to; fill with life and energy; energize.
[Origin: 1640–50; in 2 + obs.
vigorate invigorated;
—Related forms in·vig·or·at·ing·ly, adverb
in·vig·or·a·tion, noun
in·vig·or·a·tive, adjective
in·vig·or·a·tive·ly, adverb
in·vig·or·a·tor, noun
—Synonyms strengthen, vitalize.
Sorry! Just felt I needed to point that out....
Therefore a proper acronym for the word
Damaged has yet to be - It is still up for grabs...For that matter the word
before Damaged was
wrong too....As
'Im IS NOT a word either - not in that context anyways -
I'm however IS a word - just not a proper fit
again! The proper spelling would have been
'em...So actually the word downhill is also still up for a proper acronym...
And thats just the
LAST TWO words!
See what I mean?
This is pretty much why I don't join in on the Acronym game much anymore...It's no fun correcting people constantly...Or making an acronym out of a word that IS NOT a properly spelled word.
I hope when I check back here in the future that people have learned to use an online dictionary and or a good spellcheck...Sorry about the "lecture" but............If the word does'nt make any sense then it's pretty much pointless.