F10 and GEO comparison of dive time
Dove yesterday with my warranty replacement F10 and the profile graph issue that I reported earlier did not occur.
I dove with the F10 and GEO on my wrist. I found that, while diving, the log display of Depth and time for the same dive was very close. GEO was maybe a few seconds short but the dive time and depth were close enough. However upon download of the memory, the GEO dive times are not at all consistent with the F10. For example, the graphs posted are from the same dive and the Geo dive time, as displayed by Oceanlog, was 64 seconds and the F10 dive time was 76 seconds, a difference of 12 seconds. So even though the GEO shows you the correct dive time at the end of the dive, this is not recorded for download. I also downloaded the GEO with Macdive and the dive time for the same dive was 67 seconds?
Data from GEO and F10 on the SAME dive
software, dive time, max depth, start depth, end depth, computer
Macdive, 67sec, 121', 19.5', 4', Geo
oceanlog, 64sec, 121', 29', 4', Geo
Aeris, 76sec, 120', 7.5', 1.25', F10