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AIDA no-fins record attempts

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2001
For those who haven't yet heard, the results of the AIDA no-fins attempts in Austria were as follows:

Christian Redl: Attempted 30m (1'22), Blackout
Dieter Baumann: Attempted 33m (1'47) successful (pending anti-doping results)

(The F.R.E.E. no-fins record remains at 60m by Topi Lintukangas).

Christian Redl also did a 55m Austrian no-limits record, despite the fact that the Austrian Constant Weight record is 86m. Redl now holds three 'records', the 55m austrian no-limits record, the 150m dynamic under ice with scooter record, and the 90m dynamic apnea under ice with fins record.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Originally posted by efattah
[B, the 55m austrian no-limits record, the 150m dynamic under ice with scooter record, and the 90m dynamic apnea under ice with fins record.
Eric Fattah
BC, Canada [/B]

"Scooter Under Ice"? What's next- "Towed Underwater by Surface JetSki"? What about "Diet Coke's Consumed Underwater", or " "Upside-down Pushups Against the Ice" :)
Let's all invent categories and set "records" too!
Erik Y.
BO after a 30m unassisted in 1'22"? i find that quite surprising!
it's a pity that AIDA didn't impose a minimum depth limit for the first record, to give it some credibility. at least 50m! sorry, but i think it's a big joke.
i watched my buddy do 41m unassisted only yesterday. i wonder how many other freedivers around the world smashed this WR over the weekend? :hmm
List of Canadians over 33m: Tom Lightfoot 50m, Peter Scott 41m, Tyler Zetterstrom 39m, Mandy 39m, Brent Pascal 35m, me 35m, etc...

Probably at least 100+ divers have done 33m+.

Even though different freediving organizations don't recognize each other's records, maybe they could adopt a new rule: recognize 3/4 or two-thirds the depth of the other organization. So if the FREE record is 60m, AIDA could recognize it as 3/4 * 60m = 45m..., or even 2/3 * 60m = 40m...

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Christian Redl's blackout from 30m in 1'22 was not unexpected; in Ibiza 2001 he samba'd from 40m with fins, and according to the AIDA site he had a pb of 28m in no-fins before the attempt. Given that there was no AIDA record in this category he should have gone for a more conservative depth of 20m.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
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I sincerely believe that you could take almost anybody and train them to do a 50 Metre "No Limits" dive (sarcasm intended) within a week, even with no previous freediving experience.
Personally, I would have a hard time looking anyone in the eye if I declared myself the No Limits champion of Canada after such a shallow dive. Maybe revive the old head-down method and do a 50+ dive...at least that would take some advanced equalising ability.
I understand that someone is trying to promote themself and I wish them luck as I am usually a big supporter, but if one enters the Arena, one should be prepared to meet the Lions ;) , not the kittens.
Erik Y.
Originally posted by Erik

I understand that someone is trying to promote themself and I wish them luck as I am usually a big supporter, but if one enters the Arena, one should be prepared to meet the Lions ;) , not the kittens.
Erik Y.
I agree completely with you, amigo.
For me, this is like a Circus. We all should respect all the others freediving organizations. Maybe the Eric formula is a beggining.
I thougt that no-limits ment that you were alowed to use any device for the decent and acent ex a monofin or bi-fins so the Austrian no-limits record should be 86m wright?
I agree that "No Limits" means "any way possible", so Herbert's CB should be the record. Anyone from AIDA able to clarify?
Erik Y.
This has occurred before. When Heimo Hanke did -105m in variable weight in a lake, it broke the no-limits record as well, and AIDA recognized it as both a no-limits record and a variable weight record.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
So Deiter's 33 is a National Record through AIDA?
Erik Y.

When is Herbet going to do a no fins attempt, from what we can see with his past attempts he always pushes himself so maybe he would try and push past 60m ;)

I agree it's a bit of a joke.
When the Australian team were training last year, a bunch of us were mucking around and did no-fins dives to around 30m. Never done it before, used normal masks etc so had to use hands to equalise etc. Not long ago I did 44m no-fins depth on my first real go at it, using a reference line and nose clips etc. Did 48m a week later. This was in pretty average conditions, 15 degree water, bit of swell. (I was also training by practising no-fins dynamics in the pool)

Blacking out after 30m is pretty embarrassing, specially for a "world record" attempt. :duh

I'm still surprised Herb only announced 53m, with his dynamic ability he should be able to crack 70m, and has the depth experience to do it. Guess he is going for several records, probably not one he cares the most about. Stig Aavall SEVERINSEN has the potential to do some amazing depths, but I don't know how much diving experience he has, ie ability to equalise, handle lung squeeze etc. If Stig doesn't pull off a big dive this time, perhaps a year or so down the track, with some more diving practice he will really shake things up. 80m no-fins depth would not be impossible for someone that can do 166m dynamic.........


Hey Wal with a pb of 48m you should ring those judges and send them here and be the first Aussie to claim a Wr (with respect to Topi) :cool:

Doping tests cost about 500$ US over here....I wouldn't bother spending the money for a 33 metre dive, especially when Topi's out there, and guys like Herbert (and Wal!) are going to smash it within months or days by a factor of 2 or more! Why not just take the National Title? No test required. And no embarassment.
Erik Y.
Sure Ivan, as long as you pay the airfares ;) :D
Records aren't cheap, you really need to get sponsors or you can't really do it.

Anyway, in the next 4 weeks Herb, Carlos, Stig and another french guy are going for no-fins AIDA records. Then if none of the AIDA bunch go over 60m, David Lee will do 63m. Go David !

Hey anyone know why Martin cancelled all his record attempts ?
Martin cancelled his attempts due to a serious sinus infection. Personally I speculate that the infection may have been caused by his sinus flooding technique during deep training...?

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Don't panic. I was Herbert's Safety diver the last days. Next week will bring a lot of surprises. Real big numbers in free imersion and constant (and I meen real big numbers "xxx"). I saw him also doing 50m without fins without problems, think he's able to brake the record( and I don't meen the AIDA record)
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