I personally find the aiming sight on the salvimar vuoto is too difficult to see due to it being black and tiny.
I must admit I saw this on an Italian forum with a guy using a red block of some sort, but I created my own version.
A simple small piece of salvimar acid green monofilament which by the way is the best shooting line I've ever used - is cut, straightened, and then glued onto the muzzle in the "v".
This works an absolute treat. Underwaters it is very visible and makes a world of difference when aiming - it's like the pin of a sight on a bow.
Cost nothing! huge upgrade for me...
I must admit I saw this on an Italian forum with a guy using a red block of some sort, but I created my own version.
A simple small piece of salvimar acid green monofilament which by the way is the best shooting line I've ever used - is cut, straightened, and then glued onto the muzzle in the "v".
This works an absolute treat. Underwaters it is very visible and makes a world of difference when aiming - it's like the pin of a sight on a bow.
Cost nothing! huge upgrade for me...