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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Sep 15, 2020
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Should have read ‘am I doing this right?!’
Got some new cables for my rusty speargun that’s been sat in my shed for the past ten years. Had lots of fun of the Italy coast and bruised my belly in the process. Any suggestions how to avoid this without wetsuit and without slipping and spearing myself in the head?
Also managed to tear my eardrum on the first day, (obviously continued going out to sea for the next seven days and now I appear to be solidly deaf in one ear) -perhaps I should find a new hobby...
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As (7x?) Hawaiian Ironman champion Mark Allen wrote "listen to your body". Don't ignore pain, it's there for a reason.

Rob Allen sell a loading pad that you can strap on. Or make your own from a thick, old flip-flop sole.

And/or pad the rear of your speargun with similar material.

If you wear a weight belt, with or without weights, you could try loading against the buckle of that. Be careful. ;)
Alternatively, get a thin wetsuit top with loading pad. I see Florida spearo Cameron Kirkconnell has a rather nice one 1.5mm thick - check out his youtube videos, I think it's the one where he shows what kit he packs in his bag.

Cycling? Wear a helmet, gloves and crotch chamois :D
As (7x?) Hawaiian Ironman champion Mark Allen wrote "listen to your body". Don't ignore pain, it's there for a reason.

Rob Allen sell a loading pad that you can strap on. Or make your own from a thick, old flip-flop sole.

And/or pad the rear of your speargun with similar material.

If you wear a weight belt, with or without weights, you could try loading against the buckle of that. Be careful. ;)
Thank you! I’m a total novice but had some success in NZ many years back (speed swimming back to shore to avoid the bronze whaler sharks the second I hit target) and I absolutely love it, I’m land locked in the UK so don’t get out much. Mushroom hunting is my more day to day persuit but I actually find them similar activities in the meditative focus sense.
Yes, a number of spearos on the forum collect mushrooms/fungi. It is not without danger in the UK. Google the author of the "Horse Whisperer" for more in that.
Yes, a number of spearos on the forum collect mushrooms/fungi. It is not without danger in the UK. Google the author of the "Horse Whisperer" for more in that.
Thank God mushrooms don't grow on the sea floor!
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