Well I've done some more sungazing today, very nice sunset here in the Netherlands, and we definitely don't have 365 days of sunshine a year either.
I'm still a bit sceptical too, but as I practice I discover al the benefits gradually. I'ts a bit like yoga, the first thing is to open yourself up for al these new sences, emotions, energies. You'll learn allong the way. My goal is not to stop eating, but al the other benifits one experience. It's a road of exploration.
Things I'ved experienced are:
Instand turning of my mood, from depressed to joyfull.
Clearing my mind, loosing the abundand weight.
Gaining selflove, After a few weeks I had it for the first time I really liked myself in my life, indeed a new insight!
Much more energy though eating not as much as I used to. I can still eat 2 meals easilly, but I'm not hungry after 1/2 a plate. Though I used to eat a lot my figure is still very slim, 69KG/1.89M
Feeling more clean throughout the body.
Today's sungazing was again very nice, I think I'm on the right track, as the energy can reach now down to my waist. The first feelings I had were in the back of my head, a few weeks ago it went to the whole of my head, and today it radiated downwards. Very nice feeling.
This isn't a beliefe, but something practical. So If one can stay to one's faith.
I recon it sure is a long way to add some extra iron in one's blood

The ultimate goal of Hira Ratan Manek is to promote world peace. End of all the hunger and most illness would be cool, provided that people learn to limit their numbers in a more friendly way than war. Canceling hunger would decrease depency greatly.
Ok, I must stop before I fall into repetition