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Animal Identification required

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 20, 2021
Hi everybody, came across something interesting many years ago and was reminded of it recently. Came across a creature/creatures in the shallows in the Moggs Creek area on the western Victorian coast in Australia. It was attached to what I think was a Johnnie Walker whiskey bottle. A descriptor that immediately comes to mind is think of the hair on Medusa in those Clash of the Titans movies. There were around a dozen clear/opaque worm-like bodies approx. 15-20 mm wide and around 15-20 cm long all attached to the same area of the bottle. These bodies terminated into a head that looked like a small muscle shell that opened and closed at a rapid rate. They all moved independently with the bodies swirling around and the heads opening and closing. Sorry this was before camera phones and the internet was around a year old at the time. What the hell was it?
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