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another aspect of statics

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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J Campbell

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2001
Not wishing to risk censure, I'm putting this as respectfully and tastefully as I can. I find that there is a sexual component to doing statics, and I'm betting there are others who do too. I would like to discuss this, although I'm pretty sure most members wouldn't want to see this type of thing on such a serious and high quality website. However, anyone wishing to pursue said topic can email me in strict confidence at the address in my profile.


Mark Jeffery
I don't take offense at all, but that's news to me! In fact, breatholding is one of the times I NEVER think about that, come to think of it :)
And I've never noticed, umm, err...any physiological reactions to breath-holding either. Now SVEN, on the other hand, might have a different story :)
Erik Y.

can't say I've had that stuff cross my mind doing statics. Sometimes when I practise dynamics and stuff at the pool, I get a bit distracted by some pretty thing in a swimming costume, but then before I head under it's tune out, and focus on the task sort of thing.

I would have thought with the act of holding your breath, heart rate dropping, that blood pressure in certain regions of your body :) ... would be quite low ?

Now the key part of doing a good static is to be relaxed, and get your mind in a 'happy place', perhaps Mark has come up with a new mindset aproach to it :) :)

Who knows, it might work ?!
You can't go blind from doing this, right?

I wonder how many forum members are holding their breath at this very moment...remember folks, always practice safe statics (especially with a buddy?). :chatup


going down

why else did you think chicks dug freedivers?
Good Point

This is not a stupid question at all.

You will probably find that very intense, long statics, done every day, affect your libido.

The reason can be easily found in the literature of the east. Both yoga and chi-gong speak of the 'change' in the flow of energy in the body caused by holding the breath. In fact, by controlling your breath, your can control your arousal when you are with your partner. When you are doing 'the act', exhale and hold, and your libido decreases at that moment, inhale and hold, and your libido will continue to increase.

I have done a lot of chi-gong and yoga, and I can sense the change in the flow of energy in my body during statics.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Ahh, hard to see the humorous side of efattah is! (in my best Yoda voice)

I find that freediving itself increases my libido, if we can be serious for a moment -- no one is implying that the subject of this thread is stupid, by the way. :naughty Actually, I believe that Mr. Jeffery's question was whether "Tantric Apnea" was appropriate for discussion in the forums. Come on Eric, surely you can see the marketing possibilities here.

The life of a Jedi must be hard... :hmm

You are not alone Mark!

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So tell us about your experiments in this area Eric.
I would be interested to hear about your sample size, control group and data recording system.;)


Sven, where are you on this???
Awright already!!

...and what is it that you all are annointing me as "DB's seer of sex"? :king I have yet to get anyone's sister's number here!

It must be the anti depressants taking hold this morning, but I'm nodding my Northern head ;) in agreement with Eric; (wha?), there are many individuals, both male and female that I've met and heard from in yoga circles, that have made positive comments on the use of breath holding and apnea in their yogic and sexual practices. And OK, I'll cop to feeling quite a bit more energized and "randy" following a great yoga session and will admit the same following one of those dives where everything comes together- water, gear, fish and mind. I've been calling that similar to great sex...

And you have to admit that there are times when you're held in the Ocean's arms and just rocked back and forth that feels damn nice.

I feel pretty good right now just thinking about it, thanks for the topic Mssr. Jeffery.

What we're saying here is that you can leave the auto-erotic asphyxiation tools in the drawer and just learn to hold your breath to the point of samba and accomplish the same thing... :eek:

Kidding aside, I'd have to agree with Eirc's comments as well regarding breathing and um... the flow of energy :t

And in all clinical seriousness, Mark, is this something that is possible on any static or only with significant packing? Just wondering if it's possible that the increased internal pressures from packing could push abdominal organs down against tissues, nerves, veins, etc. that might trigger such things. I can't say that I've ever noticed it myself when practicing statics. On the other hand when I was first learning about meditation and was trying to learn to relax completely, well I over relaxed that same area a bit too much and would frequently find myself making a quick trip to the bathroom... :confused: It's amazing how quickly your bladder can find more fluid to get rid of.
Re: going down

Originally posted by andrsn
why else did you think chicks dug freedivers?

Could it be the rubbers on the guns, the rubber on our bodies or our not having problems with, uh, how shall we say, le odur de mare ?

I can hear the gears turning out there...:ycard

There have been few times I can remember feeling so "alive", relaxed, self-aware, envigorated, and self-confident as after a good couple of hours diving. With all the breath training and exercise my general state of being has improved as well, even when not diving (except for the daydreaming and slight depression due to not being in the water, of course! :t ). The sexual side effects of this should be obvious, even ignoring any of the, uh, "mechanical" advantages which seem to be the target of many jokes. ;)
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