I got my new mono from Sebak 9 days ago, so I have tried this only in pool four times, including Finnish nationals. This construction seems to be very robust (with previos construction Topi had some problems in Ibiza). So I think they are ready to product more these kind of fins.
My role with sebak is like experimental user, I discuss about new ideas with them, and maybe they like the ideas. I have to pay for these monos, but I get some discount (because of the ideas, and because I gave them an angled mould).
The new feature of this mono is the wing shape (like Skate monos). Theory comes from aeroplane wings, think about the terms stall and torbulence. Remember that during the kick, the waterflow comes almost all time from an angle.
Additionally the blade cut is different, there is more material in the sides than in center, to keep the blade bending direction more precise especially in weak kicks.
Weight of normal sebak mono is about 1.8 kilos, and this mono is about 3 kilos. Most of the weight comes from the Omer footpockets. The wing form gives about 0,5 kilos. There is no compressible (eg. neopren) materials used. So this should behave well in constant. Ofcourse this is all added to moving mass, which is a drawback, but the hydrodynamic features are more important.
My role with sebak is like experimental user, I discuss about new ideas with them, and maybe they like the ideas. I have to pay for these monos, but I get some discount (because of the ideas, and because I gave them an angled mould).
The new feature of this mono is the wing shape (like Skate monos). Theory comes from aeroplane wings, think about the terms stall and torbulence. Remember that during the kick, the waterflow comes almost all time from an angle.
Additionally the blade cut is different, there is more material in the sides than in center, to keep the blade bending direction more precise especially in weak kicks.
Weight of normal sebak mono is about 1.8 kilos, and this mono is about 3 kilos. Most of the weight comes from the Omer footpockets. The wing form gives about 0,5 kilos. There is no compressible (eg. neopren) materials used. So this should behave well in constant. Ofcourse this is all added to moving mass, which is a drawback, but the hydrodynamic features are more important.