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another mono

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New Member
Apr 19, 2001
I got my new mono from Sebak 9 days ago, so I have tried this only in pool four times, including Finnish nationals. This construction seems to be very robust (with previos construction Topi had some problems in Ibiza). So I think they are ready to product more these kind of fins.

My role with sebak is like experimental user, I discuss about new ideas with them, and maybe they like the ideas. I have to pay for these monos, but I get some discount (because of the ideas, and because I gave them an angled mould).

The new feature of this mono is the wing shape (like Skate monos). Theory comes from aeroplane wings, think about the terms stall and torbulence. Remember that during the kick, the waterflow comes almost all time from an angle.
Additionally the blade cut is different, there is more material in the sides than in center, to keep the blade bending direction more precise especially in weak kicks.

Weight of normal sebak mono is about 1.8 kilos, and this mono is about 3 kilos. Most of the weight comes from the Omer footpockets. The wing form gives about 0,5 kilos. There is no compressible (eg. neopren) materials used. So this should behave well in constant. Ofcourse this is all added to moving mass, which is a drawback, but the hydrodynamic features are more important.


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Mono Fin


Are those fins available to the public?

How much U.S.?

Is there a web site?

I'm going to buy a Monofin soon and I'm looking toward Waterway. but if this is available and reasonably priced I would like that fin. I like the foot pockets better.

Anything, anything?

You can find this fins at www.sebakfins.com.
I have a waterway mono (medium stifness) : the blade is great IMHO, but the footpoockets are... hum... not very confortable.
If I was sure that the sebak blades are as good as my waterways, and if they could provide some with Cressi footpockets I'mm surely buy one.
Iknow this monos. And moreover, WaterWay produces them witching a year (Model 'Rocket'). To say honestly it's neither WW, nor Sebac Model, it's the invention of Siberian guys from Scat club it's real name is 'Egoist'. It's really the best hydrodynamics for professional fin racing. I know all the monos that are in the World for now (I hope so) and I can say that for world-class racing completions it is the most (and the single) dangerous competitor of WW Model1 in 100-400 meters racing. They say you can win till 1-2 secs in 100 m racing using 'Egoist', I do not know exactly, it's questionable for me. I can say that according to the science the surface hydrodynamics of 'Egoist' is the best for the existing monos now.
It's a very good fin only for racing, NOT FOR DIVING. You will not meet any one serious diver who uses it for going to depth.
It's not a right place to discuss here that 'the surface hydrodynamics' (racing) is quite different from 'the bulk hydrodynamics' (diving).
The price this monos is really high (about $600 for Scat), and about $250-300 for WW (I can not say more precisely without the customs and so on). Who likes we can deliver it for who wants in about 3 weeks. But I repeat here that you will not win using monos of this type for diving. I'm sure that for you it will be just overspending of money. It's not profitable for me to say this (I have the best profit for 'Rocket') but this is the truth. I even don't present them on WW site.
I like this Sebak design very much but the one thing that I'm very negative is the 'open toe' model. The most powerful finracing schools - Russian and Ukrainian look through 'open toe' footpockets models because of strong reducing foot-finger kick.

Blade Runner,
to make a lap with the mono you MUST push by your two feet simultaneously. In other case you can break your mono in the pool. It's an unconditioned reflex for the pool-swimmers (especially for the traditional swimming sportsmen) to push by one foot first, but it's really good idea to suppress it. It's not easy, but no other way.
When you get to the end of the pool, you would do just a regular flip turn like you would do when swimming freestyle. Very simply. Finis has a real good video available for sale. It covers starts, flips and technique. Just about 20 minutes long. Great video if you've never used a monofin.:cool:
Hi Peter,

I joined Deeper Blue to collect information on monofins for long distance swimming in the Ocean (I live on a Caribbean Island, 7 meters to the beach...).

I red most of your answers and comments on monofins. Really interesting. You seem to be quite an expert in Russian monofins (do you know them ?) and I appreciate your fairness when you say good things about Leaderfins (despite the fact that you sell Waterways fins in Canada/America). I also noticed that you clearly stated the huge difference between surface swimming and free/deep diving. Apparently a lot of people talking on this site haven't really realized that a fin that is perfect with 1 bar pressure could be awful with 20-40 bars pressure, and vice versa. and that most of these monofins we discuss on Deeper Blue were designed for Russian speedswimmers, not divers.

Having said that...

I scuba dive twice a week on coral reefs, cliffs and wrecks (with Stratos and Mares Tre) with also some schnorkling and I'm a former pool swimmer. Because I like butterfly stroke, monofin looks really attractive to me. After completing quite extensive research, I came to the conclusion that SWIMMING monofins like the ones produced by Leaderfins, Specialfins or WW would be the best tool to swim on or close to the surface.
And for long distance (few miles) I would appreciate really comfortable footpockets.
I understand from different comments that Waterways are probably the most efficient for speedswimming but a real nightmare to wear after 20 mn. simply because the footpocket is very tight and very rigid to increase the efficiency/power. Would you agree on that ?

So I'm interested in these new super efficient-super comfortable fins. Something like the FLYER from Learderfins & Specialfins probably customized with neopren inside footpocket, reinforced strap and the good angle. It looks to me as a good compromise between the power and the comfort.
Your opinion about this product ? What could you say (bad or good) about the FLYER ?
(Also I understand that both come from SEBAK but now they are rivals. Is there a difference in quality?)

Also, stiffness of the blade: medium or soft ? Carbon or Fiberglass ? My little guess is that carbon would be more suitable for pure speed/short distance swimming (or below 20 meters deepth), and swimming around a coral reef with a $600 mono in carbon, well... But I'm interested in expert's advices.

Last but not least, the angle between the blade and the footpocket seems to be a key element to reduce the effort on muscles during long distance swimming. Apparently, most of the monofins have a 20-15 degrees angle. But what are the rules governing this figure ? Is that purely empirical or calculated ? What would be the downside if you have more than 20 degrees ?

Any piece of advice on these topics much welcome !

thanks to Frank I just found this thread :) . I found this statement by Peter particularely interesting:

It's a very good fin only for racing, NOT FOR DIVING. You will not meet any one serious diver who uses it for going to depth.

Well okay, I know that the posting is almost three years old, but since I am a proud owner of one of these and planned to use it exclusively for CW it's interesting nevertheless :hmm .
Does any of you out there know the reason why the monos with the wings design are said to be a bad choice when it comes to CW ?


Thanks to you too Veronika for your quick reaction.
Which model do you use: is that a FLYER ? From Leaderfins or Specialfins ?
Which blade do you have ? Any special features/customization ?
Do you often swim with this mono ? What could you say about it ?

The gentle surface /near surface swimmer that I am is guessing that CW means Constant Weight, correct ?

I red most of the articles/messages here on DB about monos, and my first (logical) answer to your question would be that these monos are designed to swim on the surface where pressure and condition are totally different from your deep dive. I see it when I go scuba diving below 130 ft: bending a carbon blade at 200 ft is a piece of cake when it can be almost impossible at 30 ft. The physics of the hydrodynamics are totally different. The way you swim too I guess. And the time you swim: 3 mn or 1 hour it makes a difference on your feet and your muscles...

Any monofin Guru volunteering to jump in with expert answer about CW-Monofin ?


Hi Veronika,

I already posted a similar comment in another thread, but I use a Skate Egoist for dynamic (along with most competitors in Italy) and it is truly fantastic.

I never tried it for constant precisely because my buddy found that the soft rubber in the footpockets compress like crazy and the whole fin becomes very negative at depth.

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