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Any hunting tips on Venezuela?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Believe it or not. I had a dream =a few months ago - that I went spearfishing to this country. And, judging by the size of fish I spotted in boats run by local spearos, it must be a real good hunting place
I see that the proposed zones for the world comp are "Los Frailes" and NOT the main coastline of Isla Margarita. There is a distinct difference between them in the type of fishing. Los Frailes(The Brothers) are very oceanic in nature being an offshore rock formation where fish move around a lot unlike the coastal reef structure. As a consequence visiting teams ought to do all they can to scout Los Frailes and appreciate the dsitinction. Following the locals as one might do to establish the whereabouts of sedentary species may not be as useful as is sometimes the case. There could be some nice fish taken as much of the area is often closed to fishing. Best of luck to the Brits anyaway.
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