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anyone who wear corrective glasses?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2004
To anyone who wear corrective glasses, far sight – myopia
I would like to see your opinions on best low volume mask, nice visibility, good fit, with –1.50 lenses available

I have tried contact lenses + "normal" mask
Believe me, not a good choice :ko
Currently, I have a Technisub Look, but this is for SCUBA, not (so) good for freediving, I have checked Cressi Big Eyes –but they are too big for my face.
I tried Sporasub Samurai and Cressi Lince.Great masks but no corrective lenses available
Anyone have any idea on OMER masks?
Hi ripperu,

I have the corrective lenses in my Omersub "Abyss" ... by far the best solution (I have also struggled with contacts etc)
The lenses are "off the shelf" from Omersub and you just replace the ones the mask ships with. Let me know if you need any other information.

Disposable contact lenses + "normal" (minima cressi) mask works for me fine.
I'm not in any need for optical correction yet, but I'm preparing myself for the future.
What was the problem with contact lenses Ripperu?
welwichia said:
Hi ripperu,

I have the corrective lenses in my Omersub "Abyss" ... by far the best solution (I have also struggled with contacts etc)
The lenses are "off the shelf" from Omersub and you just replace the ones the mask ships with. Let me know if you need any other information.


I have checked OMER website. No reference on corrective lenses for Abyss
As a matter of fact no reference at all on website.If you download the pdf catalogue, there is one reference to ALIEN mask.
How much did you pay for mask and lens?

for DeepThought

Well...If you insist...
There are a lot of pros and cons about contact lenses
In normal outdoor situations they are OK
But I have some kind of sensitive eyes, so I like to wear them for 8 hours at maximum
After this it seems that I run out of "tears" and my eyes become dry, and I feel like rubbing them
I had several opticians and med's opinions, I have checked my Iris Diameter, BC (Base curve), etc, but no, it seems that the secret is the material: vifilcon, nelfilcon, lotrafilcon, and other “...con”
It has to be soft, and to absorb a lot of water – up to 69% of the lens can be…water

I have tried:

1) Cibavision - Focus Night &Day (that may be worn continuously for up to 30 nights and days - even while you sleep)
THEY ARE THE WORST EVER! - I always felt them like foreign object in my eyes

2) Cibavision - Focus dailies –pretty good but very sensitive in touching them, watch your fingernails when manipulating them, you have to throw them away after 1 day or less…

3) Cibavision - Focus Monthly Visitint – those were good for one month but very easy to loose them in contact with saline water.
I used them in SCUBA dive, and I lost one lens almost each time I had to remove and purge water from mask

4) Bausch&Lomb – Optima FW – absolutely great! The material is “Polymacon”
Easy to apply on eyeball and difficult to take them out because they are incredible silk like soft. The production is discontinued. Such a loss!
I wore one pair about 50 times, which is very good.

5) Bausch&Lomb – SofLens Comfort – are OK but not as good as Optima FW
I have tried them underwater. If (unwanted) contact with seawater occurs, they change transparency. Blame it on material-hilafilcon B- , blame it on water pollution, and blame it on me

But whenever it comes to put my Technisub Look mask with corrective lenses, wow, believe me folks, it becomes much, much better than “contacts + normal mask” combination
Unfortunately, this mask is high or medium volume, I need to equalize pressure (too) many times by descending, and moving fast makes it shake

One has to try it before believing
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10x for the long reply ripperu, I meant to ask about what's wrong with contact lenses & diving. :eek:
Still, this information might come in handy in the not-far-enough-future.
10x again.
I've talked at length with an Optometrist and an optical dispenser on this one. The optical dispenser says that contacts will fall out with contact from water, just a matter of when, not if. He said if I was to bring the mask in he could grind a lense to my prescription, not like the bought lenses which are only in grades of 0.5 (I am a 2.75 and 3.25 so each lense would be a bit out if I took the bought lense option). However the idea of walking back over rocks and either walking blind or with my mask on isn't too appealing, so I haven't gone this option.

The optometrist said that when pool water hits a contact lense, it tends to straighten it's curvature and it is more likely to come away from the eye. In salt water the opposite occurs and the lense will tighten on the eye (although still easy enough to dislodge with a slap of water). The amount of water content in the contact lense plays a role too. Higher water content is not likely to make for a more comfortable lense as the water is drawn from the lense as soon as it is put on, changing the curvature on the eye making it not fit as well.

I have gone for a new lense called Acuvue Advanced. This is a hybrid lense that is pretty new on the market. It's a 14 day lense and has a 50% silicon component (and also a lot less H20 than most lenses). I can hardly feel the lense on my eye and is excellent under a mask as well. I am a bit more careful to leave my mask on in the water and not get my eyes wet, but I haven't lost a lense yet.

Also you should take your lenses out after swimming with them as whatever nasties are in the water can be grown in the protein on the lense and transferred to your eye unless you take them out and rinse/rub them in the protein solution.

ps. Has anyone had any experience with laser surgery and diving?
I have always worn contact lenses with dive and freedive masks and never had any problem, I wear daily disposable lenses and throw them away after gettting out of the water

still thinking about laser treatment instead tho!

ps recommendations for diving and laser surgery vary from between waiting 2 weeks to 6 weeks - I intend to give it at least a month

if you wear contact lenses - you should definitely take them out and clean them or get rid of them asap after diving. Friend of mine had a very nasty experience with an amoebic infection from the pool - be careful.

Thanks, samdive & BennyB!

Now I got it!
I was suspecting that my last eye infection is related to my soft lens
I should have dispose them immediately after diving
I got rid of it after sustaining treatment with Terramycin

Still I need some answers:

None of them (Samurai, Samurai Elite or Sniper) comes with optical lens
Too bad! I was kinda like’em

Mares Target
Almost identical to Sporasub Samurai, am I right?
No info for the moment> I have to dig deeper

Big Eyes and Focus = Yes
Matrix, Lince, Superocchio and Minima = No
I was amazed to try both Big Eyes and Lince.They look very much alike. I found the angle of view to be the same.
(I was staring at some piece of store-furniture from the same distance with both masks. I saw the same “picture”, not narrower nor wider)

But Lince is much smaller in volume and lightweight
Focus might be an option

Nulla, Black Team, Sombra = No
I don’t know much about them though

Alien = Yes
Asia, Bandit, Abyss = No (sorry, welwichia, still waiting for confirmation reply from OMER guys)
Now, I must admit that Bandit looks just great, I would like to try a face-fit, you know what I mean

The most attractive feature is this ”…. buckles have been positioned on the silicone skirt, instead of the classic position on the mask frame. This allows the lenses to be closer to the eyes allowing a greater field of vision and avoiding any increase of the internal volume of air”

I guess it’s worth to wait a while, maybe they will think about helping myops like me?
I dove for a LONG time with a corrective face mask. There are many companies out there that can make, and bond, RX lenses to any mask with glass lenses in it.

I also tried to use contacts with my mask, but they gave me lots of problems and were always only a half-way solution. I had the best luck with weekly disposables, but even those would dry out on me after three days on a trip and I would pull out my trusted RX mask instead. My contacts seemed to dry out above water when I wasn't on vacation too, so it wasn't just brought on by diving.

5 years ago I had Lasik done on my eyes and all of my problems seemed to go away. My vison was a -6.0 and I was glad to be rid of the heavy glasses- as even small frames and ultra-light lenses can start to weigh you down after a while. I stayed out of the water for a full 2 months because I was so paranoid about having a problem. In the end I am sure I could have gone back in much sooner, but I wasn't willing to take a chance on anything.

If you find a good optomotrist they should be able to grind lenses for most freediving masks on the market- excpet things like the "Spherea" due to their plastic lenses.

I have Omer Abyss with corrective glasses (for myopia)
and works well (I bought them 3 or 4 years ago).
I'm planning Lasik though.

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how much is it usually for lazer eye surgery? I have heard offers as low as 500 dollars an eye, but have been warned that ones that cheap are not quality, and are subject to problems. Just wondering what your opinion(for those of you that have gotten it) is on a good price and company
rory west
quasimoto said:
how much is it usually for lazer eye surgery? I have heard offers as low as 500 dollars an eye, but have been warned that ones that cheap are not quality, and are subject to problems. Just wondering what your opinion(for those of you that have gotten it) is on a good price and company
rory west

I have a friend who did the surgery, in a fine clinic
Guess what?
No matter how big is your myopia (i.e. -6, -7) they never do your eye to 0 (zero), they do your eye to -0.50 or -0.25

Anybody know why?
Simple! As the time goes by and you get older, ANY myop will experience the reduction of diopter
That means: You start to see better and better
I had since childhood -3 (maybe even -3.50- I don't recall)
But now I have L=-1.50 and R=-1.00 (@39 years)

Now, the bad news: the process never stops
One day, everybody (myops), will go for +0.5, +0.75, and so on...
Don't waste money

Don't trust me also!
Ask a phisician :rcard
I remember that 3 years ago, Omer offered corrective lenses for their Abyss mask....dont know if they still offer them though.


I am looking into this as well - just found out work will pay for it!! I have to decide whether to go with ground lenses or contacts - I've never worn contacts before and am tempted not to go that way - anyway I wrote spearfishinggear.com and these masks are available with off the shelf lenses:

Omer Abyss
All the Riffe's
If you want to go with another mask, there is an outfit in San Diego that may install lenses. They had a large choice last time I checked.
You really ought to try contacts. For most of us it's one demo and never look back. The worst thing is washing one out of your eye and losing the $2. They even showed me how to defeat the aging thing by wearing a reading lense in one eye and distance in the other. Again you think it's great the first time you try it or you never get used to it.
I've spoken with the San Diego outfit - they can do pretty much any mask including my Matrix. I've never had contacts but it does sound good.
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