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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Phat not fat!
Feb 12, 2002
Anyone seen this TV show? It is on Animal Planet I think. The Aquanauts are a group of 5 or 6 people who get to dive absolutely everywhere!! Lucky b*****ds!!! To top it all off they look better suited to an episode of Baywatch!! Rippling muscles and oversized Bigangas!!!

I do like watching the show especially when they are underwater, not so much for the amazing views but because the presenters cant talk!!! Some real cheesy lines here..... and if you are really lucky one of them will play the guitar for you AND sing! I find myself shouting at the telly "Shut up and dive!" (This is where 7thenths got the idea for one of their T's from!!! Ha Aquanauts, the joke is on you!).

Here is my plan: We set up a group of our own Aqunauts here at Deeper Blue. We could hold on-line auditions for real-life divers. No guitars, no singing and no implants. Who is with me?.....
I've seen it a couple of times when there has been nowt else on. Personally I think they found the most attractive people they could, and then taught em to dive. But they have an exceptional skill for annoying me when they talk.
Most of the divers I know are middle aged, bald, and have a spare tyre or two around the belly.

Personally i've never seen it but now you've mentioned it i'll have to tune in to it.

I like the idea of a set of DB Aquanauts - i've already got some plans in the making for a couple of group trips to be organised...but lets here ideas people!
If you ever do anything in the UK, chances are I'm in. Abroad, if possible and I have the money available, then fine.

But as I've said, if you plan any scuba/freediving in the UK, I'll probably be there!

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