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Auckland Apnea Challenge 07

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Some big results all right - Chris's DNF would have put him... 4th historically (?) were it not for some slight technical problems experienced on surfacing ;)

Massive static from Guy, especially given he's been battling more contractions than he used to get.

And Kathryn's getting steadily better. And better. And better :)

Kerian used the comp to try out a new dynamic approach, I was happy to take it easy as I'm trying to give myself something resembling an off-season!
Hmm, yes. Technical problems ;)

Kerian's new dynamic technique showed real promise, Plus he did a static PB (not his favorite discipline!). Kathryn just keeps kicking my arse in training, so I'm getting used to being beaten by a girl. Maybe that's why I didn't come up at 150...

Big congrats of course to Guy for his effort too, plus Dave's no fins is going to be a real force with a few tweaks ;)
Wow, congrats Kathryn on the 150m DNF, amazing !
Even if it's unofficial 1m more then a current WR is big achievement. I don't think Natalia has had any of her pool records broken in the last few years, she has certainly set the bar high, and now so have you. :)

Guy well done on the 8 minute static, that's huge !
I remember just 2 years ago you were trying to crack the 7 minute mark, not too many people have made the jump to 8 minutes, let alone in competition. And a good "clean" dynamic too. I hope you had some good Kiwi beer to celebrate that one. :friday
Kerian congrats on the 6:20 static, very well done on what you would probably describe as your "weak"" event. This makes you an all rounder now. :martial

Awesome comp!.:martial.
Very nerve raking as one of the judges.:blackeye
Great learning experience for my first time.With such amazing results.
Congrats to all the divers, Judges, organisers, and mot to mention everyone behind the scenes, as I'm all to aware of the huge job organising events can be.

Well done Kathryn, When will we be seeing you on the 6pm news with a new WR???

I can only just make it 60m DNF, 150 that's Huge!!! and a swim I can only dream of at this point.

Happy diving everyone,

Roll on Scallop Season!!!
Hey guys. Yeah it was another excellent comp - fairly laid back but really well organised - a good tight/ loose mix. We missed you though Fran!

Kathryn's now achieved her goal re the royal flush of the NZ woman's national records - she need some more competition! Kerian, Chris and others put in some damnfine efforts as well.

I was pleased with bagging an 8 minute hold in a comp. Actually we were hoping that Dave would break my old NZ record, so we could have a friendly tussle - but he loathes doing statics.

I can tell you that I looked a damn sight worse than Tom after his amazing 9.15 world record that I've just caught up with.

Doing a 176 dyn two hours afterwards actually felt as hard as the static. While its certainly not a huge swim, I was tired and the 25m pool makes it harder with my poor turning technique.

I looked at a video of my dyn swim last night - shocking to watch. Not sure if I should be totally depressed with my 'syphilitic flying goat' technique, or be happy that I have lots of room to improve.

We are really lucky to have great technique role models in NZ with Dave, Ant and Kerian and Kathryn to learn from.

Hope we see you for our next pool comp Wal.

huge congrats Kathryn, amazing swim, sound of world records tumbling (again). good stuff too Kerian, well done on the static PB. cheers, simon.
Funnily enough there was a comp here in London on Sunday and afterwards we all went to the pub and had curried goat for dinner.

Fly goat, fly!!! rofl
Great results from the whole kiwi team there! Really impressive stuff.
Kathryn and Guy, what do you guys eat/drink? I want some!
Congrats again!
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