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Question average time on each dive

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New Member
Jun 30, 2021
i’m new to this and this might be a dumb question but what’s the average time that the average free diver spends under water on a dive?
Well with bifins I spend about 1 min going down to 30m and back and that doesn't really tax my breath hold length. In dynamic I spend about 2:30 optimizing for distance. When I'm fooling around with the fishes and corals i spend about 1:45 but I can just take 15 sec on the surface and dice again ad infinitum. Im fairly fit generally but basically "untrained" other than a freediving cert. Mostly I'm "snorkeling"
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Well with bifins I spend about 1 min going down to 30m and back and that doesn't really tax my breath hold length. In dynamic I spend about 2:30 optimizing for distance. When I'm fooling around with the fishes and corals i spend about 1:45 but I can just take 15 sec on the surface and dice again ad infinitum. Im fairly fit generally but basically "untrained" other than a freediving cert. Mostly I'm "snorkeling"
1:45 after only 15 sec surface interval? WOW!
I have stable 1:40 average fun-dive time only with 2min+ breath intervals in between. And that's with average depth about 8-15m. Less then 8 I'll spend to much O2 trying to stay underwater with my set of weights, and below 15 the other way around - average time goes down because of increased effort to descend/ascend and trying not to fall on the ocean floor (negative buoyancy down there).
Especially if you're new, don't focus on time. Focus on enjoying yourself and just come up when you need to.
With 1'15" - 1'45" you can spear any fish in the sea.
I would do 1:30 but this year i can do 50 seconds, Not sure if it is because I had covid in February 2020, which was mild, or a lazier year, less active, or years going by. I plan taking a class. More than need to breathe, when I come up i feel the urge to exhale CO2. Anyway, where i dive there is boat traffic, heavy currents, I can't see the bottom from the surface, so I am less relaxed. But I got plenty of fish of 70-90 cm length.
Of course I would like to lay on the bottom longer and wait, but I tend to dive, go down and swim around the rocks, that uses energy.
Well, I had Covid on September 2020 and it wasn't mild. It's a matter of training hard to get back in shape.
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