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Barra de Navidad, Mexico Dec. 9th-15th

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
Just got back from an awesome trip to Mexico. I got the opportunity for this "once in a lifetime" trip when my buddy who lives in Huntington called me and said " your invited to come down to Mex with us... all you gotta do is get a ticket to LA. THe rest is covered."

Found a non-stop ticket on United for $410 so I couldnt pass it up. Getting to LA in time for the flight to Mansenia on my pal's dad's private plane proved to be a little frustrating. The wonderful staff over at United, who assured me that my gear would make it to LA on my flight, managed to "misplace" my gun. After hours of talking with their call center in INDIA:vangry and an overnight stay in LA I was able to locate my gun the next morning at 4a.m.

The boat that my buddies dad owns is a beautiful 2000 75' Hatteras decked out to the max!

The resort at Barra is a beautiful 5 star hotel with a great pool, pool bar, and pool volleyball court.


We didnt get to do a whole lot of diving as the trip was dedicated more towards fishing and trolling, which didnt amount to much, but the diving we did was world class. My whole goal was to shoot a large pargo and thats exactly what we did... well at least for my first pargo Ill consider 40lbs a large one.

The water clarity this time of year wasnt great (~10-30ft) but the sea life and quantity of life was incredible. We got into schools of ulua (trevally) so thick they would cut out the light, we saw pampano, sail fish, and even the occasional ono cruze through as we dove the pinnacles. The only gripe I have was that the trip was too short. Just when we got into the rhythm of things it was time to hop back on the plane. But what can I say except... beggars cant be choosers!



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