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BBC Bass Recipes...

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Mr. X

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Staff member
Forum Mentor
Jul 14, 2005
Just noticed the BBC website has some interesting recipes, including a fair variety of Bass recipes (a 3 pages of them in fact):


Many sound interesting, including:
Roasted sea bass with pastis and a Camargue rice risotto
Chinese style sea bass
Mediterranean sea bass
Grilled sea bass with beurre blanc and marsh samphire
Poached sea bass with exotic mushrooms and haricots vert (one for Foxfish who is going mushroom hunting soon).
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I tried pan fried with buerre blanc the other day. Very tasty
All sounds very tasty wish I could find a bass to try one on. :head

Reactions: Mr. X
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I'd like to know where it grows wild. I guess one would need to wander around some estuaries.

Fortunately for lazy sods like me its available in Honiton's fish mongers and Sidmouth in the market
Reactions: Mr. X
Sunday Telegraph today - Jamie Oliver's non-endangered fish recipes

The Sunday Telegraph today has non-endangered fish recipes (mackeral, etc.) by Jamie Oliver (thought he was in line for knighthood -- perhaps he's shooting for sainthood now?!). The article is in the colour magazine, Stella.

[Other interesting stories today: P12 migrants caught near carp pond with spear gun & snorkels; Leeds tops food poisoning table.]
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I'd like to know where it grows wild. I guess one would need to wander around some estuaries...
Re. samphire: I found some last year, at one of my favourite spots. In fact, I had been placing my gear on top of it for the last 6 months without even noticing. (I was tipped off by an image in Mike Ladle's fishing diary). There was no estuary, it was just growing among the rocks at the top of the beach. Best to cut it, rather than pull it, so the plant can grow on.
My wife has once cooked this traditional Armenian fish meal, using bass filet. Was real tasty (but other fish can do too)

Fish Kchuch is a dish from national Armenian cuisine. This is fish fillet in wine, baked with vegetables in a crockery pot. Hot spices give unique piquancy to the dish.

Grease the pot with butter. Put the following layers on the bottom:sliced onion, diced tomatoes and pepper. Then season with all peppers, put fish slices and cover with the layers of vegetables. Season with other spices and pour over wine. Make stiff dough from flour and water and shape a cover for the pot. Cover tightly and bake in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.

1 kg fish fillet.
5 ea onion.
100 g butter.
4 ea tomato.
4 ea sweet red pepper.
1/2 c white grape wine.
10 ea black pepper pea.
1/2 ts ground red pepper.
3 tb tarragon.
2 ts salt.
dough for the cover.
Reactions: James Jay
That's cool, I think we actually have all of the ingredients in house.
That's cool, I think we have all of the ingredients in house.
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