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BC Spearing Trip: Round Two!

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ok boys and girls, I'm heading down early, I will be there thursday night or friday afternoon. nothing happening here in town for the next few days, might as well get some diving in :D look for a little blue toytruck at the camp site, there is cold beer in the cooler.
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Nice time in TC with Amphibious (Colin), feign (Lee) and Lars from Maple Ridge.
Thanks to Gabe and Brianna for putting us up and feeding us, nice to visit of course, and our prayers for your little guy for a strong recovery.
The water was 8C..... usually 10C up there and this kicked the hell out of us as we were spending 4 hrs in the water on the boat-dive days and we were getting tired by the end of the week.
Due to lack of participants we had to cancel some boat-days as we could not afford it between the 4 of us (originally 10 scheduled). Luckily Lindsay was nice enough to let us cancel the extra days, including the Browning Pass day as he was able to pick up other work during the week.
We got out Greenling limits most days (3) and Rockfish (1), but only saw small Ling Cod and nobody got any at all.... Haddington was closed and IMO a good idea as the amount of Commercial and Rec fishing is starting to impact the north part of Vancouver Island it seems.
Lee was our camp cook... more like camp chef. If you've sampled his cooking you'll know what I mean. We were roughing it in every way but the meals were world-class- thanks Lee! The Blackened Fish, Greek Salad, Tempura and Seafood Chowder were amazing >8^p

My thoughts overall are that if we cannot get Ling up north, and being that the water is 6 to 8C warmer near Nanaimo, then next time I'm going to the south of the island. Greenling are excellent eating and good sport when you take long shots before they come looking for you, and with the 7mm Elios I can easily spend 6 hours in the water without getting cold- especially cumulative dropping of core temp.
I will be taking Indo family to the south part of the Island in August, will do some hunting, and will report.
Again DBlue moves my cyber-community a step closer as I finally met Willer after 5 years or so lol.
Good luck on the new opportunity Willer!
Erik Young
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Thanks guys for a great trip. We missed everyone who was unable to come.

Highlights for me:

-Dive boat was a Zodiac Rib with twin 115 engines
-Lindsay providing survival suits between dives to keep warm
-Dolphins at our boat
-Lots of seals, some very close and personal
-Lots of good eating seafood
-Amazing weather
-Island of bald eagles
-Stubbs island current diving
-Dinner with Gabe and Bri
-Colin's hunting stories and generous sharing of equipment and food, including handling of the new Imersion gear
-Jim donating to our campsite cost
-Dropping my gun without float line with rockfish in cave and spear caught in rocks (I lost the spot and had to do multiple dives searching up current for my gun)
-Erik's good diving company and conversation on drive
-Lars' enthusiasm for a big spearfishing trip and for his fire skills
-Camping in a beautiful north island forest
-Nightly campfire
-No mean whale lady and great relations with the TC people

I will post some pics soon.

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Trip pics.


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Great pics Lee and +1 on your comments. Most enjoyable ride there and back ever.
great pics Lee! more more more!!!

oh yeah, going to need Lar's email addy, seems I'm moving to Squamish.... :p
Hey guys, glad you had a good time. Sorry I could not be there, but I have been sick for the last 2 weeks and bedridden all last week with fever. I was sorry to miss you guys this year... especially Lee's cooking!

Wow, did they upgrade their boat or what!?

Take care,

Wow!!! You guys have no idea how disheartening it was to find out at the the last minute that I had to cancel my flights and not go. Colin and Lee can attest to this since I had already shipped some of my gear up there and Lee knew my luggage was all packed and ready to go three weeks in advance! :t

I'm happy that all of you had such a wonderful time and can only hope there will be a Telegraph Cove 2008! :)

Nice pictures and narrative you guys. Beautiful boat!
FYI - I think the fish I saw that day we dove off the lumber road was a Cabezon? I that possible? I had no idea what it was so I didn't shoot it - plus it was rather stealthy.

Odd that the rockfish weren't around. I remember the last day I was there when I shot the video of those huge black rockfish right outside the mouth of the harbor. I had to jam my heels into a rock against the current - a couple came in well within a meter.

Too bad about haddington - still good for photo shoots though! Wish I could've made it - I got the Elios 6 mil with TC in mind - it sure did right by me here all winter.

Lee - you are welcome to add your pics to the TC section on my site if you want. If so just pm me and I'll send you passwords and so on.

Next year is a definite possiblity!
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Feign is uploading a higher quality version.... but untill then!

[ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=934x2NpU2No]YouTube - Greenling Aspetto[/ame]
Man! I miss it there!
Any word on Haddington access next year? At the very least we could shoot some good stills and video of the ling and rockies.
Thanks guys, for letting me join you on this years adventure. It was more fun than I could possibly imagine. Thanks Lee, Colin and Eric for the campfire conversations and helping me get so much better at freediving and hunting. Cant wait for more!! Colin, contact me when you get settled in Squamish, let go fishing.
you live in MR? I partied there the friday night after leaving. wicked ska show "Los Furious" at some pub....

Squamish Job on hold. 2 days after I left the machine I was co-piloting went down. both pilots in hospital, machine bent up good. told to sit tight.....
Thats too bad about about the job in Squamish, any idea how long its on hold for? Next time you are in MR, let me know, I think that pub is only 3 blocks from my house.
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Lars, I'm glad you finally logged in on the forums. Our trip was a great time. We need to discuss that gear, give me a call tonight if you can.
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