Big fish or strong fish of even 15-20lbs. (dogtooth tuna,jacks,etc.) will drag you under and under........
Most people realise the importance of using cable for
your shooting line for strength and mostly abrasion
reasons. Plastic coated cable is best because it won't
rip the the soft flesh of many fish(mackerel,etc.) like
uncoated cable. IMPORTANT: if you use cable you MUST
carry a tool to cut cable. You must also carry a knife to
cut the other components of your rigging if entangled and
to dispatch (kill) your fish. REMEMBER: many fish will fight for
their lives and even come to life when you get close to them
or try to grab them. It is at this time that you must be most
careful not to get wrapped or even caught in a small loop
of cable,line,etc. ALSO:if you are not using a slip tip many
divers have been speared by their own spears when trying to grab the fish.
I've dived many places in the world but rarely seen a spearo carry a tool than can cut cable if entangled. Cable can be cut by
special pliers or even special stainless steel scissors. Marine stores generally carry both. Dive shops may carry Sea Snips
(s.s. utility scissors) that also work. Like a knife your cable cutters
should be worn so either hand can grab them.
Besides self entanglement some fish such as dogtooth tuna,etc.
head for the bottom and entangle the cable or line in the coral,etc. on the bottom. I always try and carry a scuba rig (where
legal) for such occasions and emergencies. I've used scuba to
retrieve my spear in 150' on several occasions (sometimes/fish if
they haven't torn off or sharks torn them). REMEMBER: being a
purist(freediving only) is nice but you will lose alot of gear and
put yourself in dangerous situations just trying to save gear or a fish. Replacing gear or a record fish is possible if you are still in the
The above are only a few thoughts on the subject. I just hope
one or more divers will consider the above and dive SAFER AND
Most people realise the importance of using cable for
your shooting line for strength and mostly abrasion
reasons. Plastic coated cable is best because it won't
rip the the soft flesh of many fish(mackerel,etc.) like
uncoated cable. IMPORTANT: if you use cable you MUST
carry a tool to cut cable. You must also carry a knife to
cut the other components of your rigging if entangled and
to dispatch (kill) your fish. REMEMBER: many fish will fight for
their lives and even come to life when you get close to them
or try to grab them. It is at this time that you must be most
careful not to get wrapped or even caught in a small loop
of cable,line,etc. ALSO:if you are not using a slip tip many
divers have been speared by their own spears when trying to grab the fish.
I've dived many places in the world but rarely seen a spearo carry a tool than can cut cable if entangled. Cable can be cut by
special pliers or even special stainless steel scissors. Marine stores generally carry both. Dive shops may carry Sea Snips
(s.s. utility scissors) that also work. Like a knife your cable cutters
should be worn so either hand can grab them.
Besides self entanglement some fish such as dogtooth tuna,etc.
head for the bottom and entangle the cable or line in the coral,etc. on the bottom. I always try and carry a scuba rig (where
legal) for such occasions and emergencies. I've used scuba to
retrieve my spear in 150' on several occasions (sometimes/fish if
they haven't torn off or sharks torn them). REMEMBER: being a
purist(freediving only) is nice but you will lose alot of gear and
put yourself in dangerous situations just trying to save gear or a fish. Replacing gear or a record fish is possible if you are still in the
The above are only a few thoughts on the subject. I just hope
one or more divers will consider the above and dive SAFER AND