Originally it was them
The image comes from => https://www.moyasafarivilla.co.za/fr/les-big-five-les-superstars-du-bush-sud-africain/
But the ones that interest us here are those encountered in the Red Sea.
I’ll start with those I've had the chance to meet through my many trips.
- Whale shark, Rhincodon typus, (Sharm El Sheikh area in Shark’s Bay in June 2008…snapshot from one of my videos…not with my Nikonos (*))
- Dugong, Dugong dugon, (Marsa Alam area in El Nabaa in Oct. 2004)
- Oceanic manta ray, Mobula birostris (Sharm El Sheikh to Shark’s Bay area in May 2005, which I saw two years in a row.)
- Leopard shark (or zebra shark) Stegostoma fasciatum, (Sharm El Sheikh area in Shark’s Bay) in May 2005, which I saw two years in a row
This one was lying on the bottom at a depth of 15 m.
Unfortunately, the Nikonos flash didn’t work :no:
- Sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus (the only one I saw, Sharm El Sheikh to Shark's Bay area in Dec. 2003)
As I approached, it displayed its enormous dorsal fin as a warning. :face:
I slowed my approach to get a good frame for it...and it folded its dorsal fin halfway down.
Later at home, I read in a magazine: "A spearfisher had his thigh pierced by a sailfish...the two "hunters" were after the same school of fish!"
Apart from these "Big Five"[/b], I saw others, of course
; dolphins, large napoleons, barracudas, guitarfish, spotted eagle rays, honeycomb rays, pink whipray, cowtail stingray, torpedo rays, large groupers (of different species),giant moray, large turtles, etc.
My "big five" pictures comes from https://scubaboard.com/community/threads/vintage-pictures-done-with-nikonos-in-freediving.589102/
Those I would like to meet:
Great guitarfish, roundnose guitarfish,
From far away… to very far away :face: : Great white shark, tiger shark, bull shark, bull shark,
Never :affraid: : Saltwater crocodile (in Indonesia)
The Nikonos 2 … with my adaptations:
- the mount
- The electronic flash, rebuilt with elements from a Canon land-based flash, in a diving light from around 1975.
- A laser pointer in the center to allow you to see the correct flash orientation with a synchronization … which I also made, so as not to see the red dot in the photo. The pointer turns off when you trigger the Nikonos 2
Do you have any “Big Five”?
Originally it was them
The image comes from => https://www.moyasafarivilla.co.za/fr/les-big-five-les-superstars-du-bush-sud-africain/
But the ones that interest us here are those encountered in the Red Sea.
I’ll start with those I've had the chance to meet through my many trips.
- Whale shark, Rhincodon typus, (Sharm El Sheikh area in Shark’s Bay in June 2008…snapshot from one of my videos…not with my Nikonos (*))
- Dugong, Dugong dugon, (Marsa Alam area in El Nabaa in Oct. 2004)
- Oceanic manta ray, Mobula birostris (Sharm El Sheikh to Shark’s Bay area in May 2005, which I saw two years in a row.)
- Leopard shark (or zebra shark) Stegostoma fasciatum, (Sharm El Sheikh area in Shark’s Bay) in May 2005, which I saw two years in a row
This one was lying on the bottom at a depth of 15 m.
Unfortunately, the Nikonos flash didn’t work :no:
- Sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus (the only one I saw, Sharm El Sheikh to Shark's Bay area in Dec. 2003)
As I approached, it displayed its enormous dorsal fin as a warning. :face:
I slowed my approach to get a good frame for it...and it folded its dorsal fin halfway down.
Later at home, I read in a magazine: "A spearfisher had his thigh pierced by a sailfish...the two "hunters" were after the same school of fish!"
Apart from these "Big Five"[/b], I saw others, of course
My "big five" pictures comes from https://scubaboard.com/community/threads/vintage-pictures-done-with-nikonos-in-freediving.589102/
Those I would like to meet:
Great guitarfish, roundnose guitarfish,
From far away… to very far away :face: : Great white shark, tiger shark, bull shark, bull shark,
Never :affraid: : Saltwater crocodile (in Indonesia)
The Nikonos 2 … with my adaptations:
- the mount
- The electronic flash, rebuilt with elements from a Canon land-based flash, in a diving light from around 1975.
- A laser pointer in the center to allow you to see the correct flash orientation with a synchronization … which I also made, so as not to see the red dot in the photo. The pointer turns off when you trigger the Nikonos 2
Do you have any “Big Five”?
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