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Body Fat & Muscle %

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jun 17, 2003
Hey guys is there any particular body fat & muscle ratio for freedivers?
Well, I'd say that at any given dive-site, the freedivers are generally way more fit looking than most of the SCUBA guys (though every now and then you see a superior specimen of bubble-sucker-dom). My suspicion is that this is due to the fact that freedivers often tend to be introspective and self-disciplined and that this is often reflected in their physical appearance.

On the other hand, some of the guys on the forum admit to being chubby and they're still at the top of the food-chain when it somes to apnea sports. There are also opinions that too much muscle tissue is bad (at least for static), but there are a lot of muscular guys turning in decent static times. There is some anecdotal evidence that muscular guys might have an advantage in dynamic apnea (i.e., buff guys tend to turn in pretty good dynamics w/o much training). I suspect that this advantage goes away when you get to elite distances though.

There are a lot of threads in the archives that touch on this issue. In addition, there are a number of threads sugggesting that freediving is a great fat-burner. The bottom line is that there doesn't seem to be any causal effect between fitness parameters such as %body fat or degree of muscular development -- just a lot of anecdotal evidence regarding "tendencies" and even these observations generate a lot of controversy here.
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The question is interesting. We could all make some evidential hypothesis, like extra oxigen compsumption by the an heavy mussle mass. To prove them though, we would need to be able to isolate the factors we want to measure, and there are so many factors for good static apnea that it would be hard to do. Searching for people that have anormal weigth could provide some evidence of causality. I think I'm one of those person, being 5'11" and weighing 100lbs. I'm new to the world of apnea, I'm not training much outside of my apnea courses, but this week I did a dry pb of 4min40 at my sister's house. I guess it's not that good since so many people here do over 5min, but I started at the same time as my brother and sister and they didn't go over 3min yet, which might means that my weight predisposes me for static apnea.

Benjamin Leclerc
DeeperBlue.com - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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