Hi there!
My Name is Max, therefore my wing should be called "Maxocet"!
The approach i used is slightly different:
There is a stiff winglike foil and also a pair of footpockets, as well as an adjustable
reaction spring and a flexing point. The difference is, that it is rather a low tech
and low fuzz approach to the problem.
both fins.jpg
I used normal footpockets and inserted them into a stiff wing i carved
out of a piece of hi density styrene. The wing is made of 6 layers
(each 3mm thick) that have been glued together leaving the openings
for the fin-blades. The Flyer-Monofin is there just to show the size.
The assembly is being held together by the means of four dowels made
of half-inch plexiglass bar-stock. (no glueing, so it could be disassembled if neccessary)
edge on.jpg
The profile is a symmetrical wing-shape, with some allowances regarding the "not so sharp" rear edge, it´s less dangerous and it doesn´t break off so easily.
The rubber footpockets are too soft and dont´s transmit the force well, so it was neccessary to add two changeable fiberglass springs (white color) and swim a lot of trials to find out the correct config.
These springs must be tied to the ankles in order to transmit the power correctly. This is being accomplished by velcro-straps.
The fin is really heavy when out of the water because it has about the same specific weight as water... but IN the water it is neutrally bouyant.
The only problem it the constant "croac-croac" sound that is produced between the foot pockets and the springs

I obviously haven´t tried a Lunocet, but my wing works quite fine. The wing surface, however, is slightly too small.
The wing is 80 cm wide, 18 cm long and 1.8 cm thick in the middle.
Good Air People!!!