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buoy lead

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
I have mares hydro flat buoy - how much weight do I need to put for stay the float vertical?

Hmm not sure but for inflatable buoys I used several old tyre leads tied to cords I'd fitted.

I believe I once saw the late Peter Crawford (13x British Champion) with a single small dive weight strapped to his large inflatable float at a competition in Devon.

My hard Rob Allen float contains a hidden (lead?) Ballast inside. But some newer hard Rob Allen floats require an external weight if a flag needs to be displayed upright. RA sell a weight (again about the size of a small belt weight but this one more streamlined: long and thin for attaching to the float - presumably held by screws to the float.)
I wasn't familiar with that Mares buoy but when I googled it it appears to have a flag and I'm guessing that it won't float with the flag on top the way its comes. Is that correct? If so, it seems strange that a weight isn't included. Like Mr X, I have couple of Rob Allen hard floats and they come with a weight that screws to the bottom if you want to mount the optional float on top. Since I use those floats only in offshore locations where I don't think the flag is necessary, I remove the weight so that it has just that much more buoyancy. I don't care which side is up without the flag.

But to answer your question, I wouldn't think that it would take more than a few ounces to keep the flag on top if you can find a way to attache ti to the bottom.
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Thanks for the quick reply,
Do you think that a 500 gram weight hanging from the bottom of the float will keep the flag vertical or is too much weight for such a float which is supposed to also hold the fish later?

I don't think anyone can guess how much weight it would take. Can you get some cheap lead sinkers from a fishing tackle shop and see what the minimum weight to keep it upright is?
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Bill is right, of course. But 500g seems like a good starting point
"In the ballpark". ;)
OK, I did some research. I found the lead weights that came off my 7 liter and 12 liter Rob Allen hard floats. To my surprise, they were both the same size- 600 grams. But as you can see in the photo, the Rob Allen floats are almost round. Your float is wider and flatter, so I would think it would be more resistant to rolling.


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