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C4 80

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Snorkel Bum

Absolut Escargot
Mar 26, 2004
Are the C4 80 fins mountable on Omer footpockets... if not, do they come sold without the grooves for the sporasubs?

Thanks in advance
Talk about coincidence, just as I pulled up your comments, the doorbell rang. Someone holding a pair of 80 blades. After breaking the 40s, it's been a long couple of weeks. If I have any trouble mounting them to the OMER pockets, I'll let you know.

combining Omer footpockets and C4 blades works fine. You'll need a fair amount of silicone because the rim of the Omer blades is thicker than that of the C4s. So you'll have to fill up the space in the footpockets that's left when using C4 blades, but that's all.

Best regards,

Hmmm thanks Bill (looking forward to your post) and Veronika... I was thinking of getting a pair of carbon blades on top of my stereo pros (which have omer footies) just for pure freediving... hmmm maybe I should just get the new carbon stereopros... :)
I have a pair of 30's mounted in a pair of OMER pockets and a pair of 40's mounted in a pair o Sporasub pockets. The new OMER pockets are much more comfortable than the old ones and they have a cleaner mounting system to attach the rails to the blades.

I, also, will be looking forward to Bill's opinions on the 80's. I wonder if they would be easier to get deep with than this monofin thing that I have been trying to figure out.:head

Hello Jon,

Do you have any picture of the old Omer footpocket vs. the new one?

Thank you in advance!
First day report C4-80s
When I mounted them on my OMER pockets, there was a gap of almost a cm in one place. I didn't glue them in as it wasn't necessary with the other C4s until the edge strips came off. When they are glued, they seem to stiffen up a little. It would be a benefit with these blades.
Strapped them on for the first time this morning. They felt very comfortable on the surface and we seemed to move out at a good clip, but it turns out there was a current helping. A wider kick didn't seem to make any difference. The kick down to hook up to the buoy was weird. Since my hip problem started, I make the 50' dive with partial lungs and this time it felt like it took hardly any work. About this time I had visions of being transformed into a super diver.
After a good warm up, I made a dive to 157 ft (47.5), the same as last time. With full lungs, it seemed very slow leaving the surface and I couldn't kick as hard as I wanted. The mid part of the descent felt good and definitely took less power. After a nice drop, I didn't hit a good turn but even with a softer kick, the fins got me moving quickly and the ascent felt normal. On the surface, my legs weren't as tired and the sore leg felt better than usual.
The time was disappointing. The whole dive was about 8% slower than last week. All I can say is that this was the first dive and they may take a while to figure out or with less effort I may be able to go longer/deeper anyway. A few laps in the pool and some more dives will tell a lot more. Stay tuned.
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Originally posted by Bill
About this time I had visions of being transformed into a super diver. Bill

You've been a super diver for a good, long while, Billiam.:king
Thanks Sven. As long as statics keep getting better with age, I'll be a happy camper.

C4-80, day two

Today the new fins felt a little better. Bret had a boat full of snorkelers at the bay and I swam over to get a few suggestions from him. The kick that seems to work best is slow, wide and a little more leg bend compared to stiff fins. This time, with no current, the gentle surface swim was definitely faster than normal with the same effort. On a full dive, they seem to stop just under the surface but if you wait, speed gets better in a hurry. It's easy to overkick them.
My buddy isn't 100% so I didn't dive below 30 meters but if things work out this weekend, a target of 50 will tell if the efficiency saves enough O2 to make up for the extra time at the one meter per second rate that the fin seems to like. So far my poor leg feels a lot better after diving.

Great to hear the C4 80s are working out for you. It sounds like breaking the 40s might have been a blessing in disguise! It’s been about 2 weeks since I got home and I'm missing diving with you guys a lot. Hopefully the new C4s and the hip/leg will be in super form for when I visit next time. Thanks for the great diving and even better company.

sticking with the monofin for now:p
>It sounds like breaking the 40s might have been a blessing in disguise!

If breaking an expensive toy is a blessing, I'd hate to be cursed, but maybe you're right Andy.

Day 3

Another dive with the 80s. The plan was 50 meters, but the sinuses distracted me and the target was a surprise. No complaints about the new PB. Here is a comparison, 10 second read out of the best dives before and after my leg problem, -40 and -80 C4s and half kilo (1#) more lead now to help me get off the surface. The speed difference appears to be 5% ( 0.98 to 0.93 meters per second) and the legs feel better after.

14Sep03 170/1:45 29 61 97 133 160 170/54 149 120 90 60 28 1.61

04Jul04 171/1:52 29 60 95 130 156 171/55 155 128 101 73 44 14 1.53

Sorry about the feet (3.28 per meter)
I have been diving with my new c4 80's for about 3 weeks now.
My first pair of fins were a very floppy pair of plastic long blades not even worth mentioning. I then borrowed a friend's pair of c4 40's for the pfd clinic in Cayman and wow! What a difference. When I came back home, I ordered a pair of 40s and 80s, because I couldn't decide which would be better for me. I used the 80's at our Nationals and was pleased with the results. I have found though, they are a lot more 'squishy' than the 40's, but once you get the speed going, it is clear sailing. A little like comparing a 4 cylinder engine to a 6. The 6 might not be so fast off the light, but does quite nicely when it's time to pass on the highway.
The only problem for me is I have a rogue calf muscle that cramps up if I so much as look at it wrong, so I have switched over to a dolphin kick to ease my pain. Of course that means a monofin is not far behind!
I also have Omer pockets on mine. It is true they are a bit loose on the rails, but mine are still sticking together. Instead of glueing them, consider using electrical tape across the fins at two points. It holds nicely and dismantles easily for carry-on stowage!
All in all I am quite pleased with these fins and the leg fatigue is noticeably less for sure.
Congrats on the new PB Bill ! :D
Annabel told me you were diving better now with the 80's. Good to see they have worked out for you, both in perfomance and less stress on your legs.

I have always been a pretty fast diver. It wasn't until after doing lot of no-fins training that I found out faster is not always better. After a change in technique and slowing down the dive I started setting new PB's and being less tired on the surface. You need to find the right speed, to suit you, your technique, and the fin/s or no-fins you are using.

Thanks Wal
Looks like I've been too concerned with speed. Carlos' time for the 100+ sure puts things in a different light. The B/O on my first 2 minute dive had me a little spooked, I guess.
Hope winter isn't too bad. The water is up to 26 and getting a little warmer every week.

Originally posted by Bill
The B/O on my first 2 minute dive had me a little spooked, I guess.

You guess?!;) And I can see too, that 26 degree water inhibiting anyones times... :head
Hey Bill, you have any free miles to make it over here in Oct?

And for those interested in fins and all, I'm putting a write-up on the Omer BAT's in the equipment page. Lemme know your thoughts.

I finally got mine yesterday and got to try then out in Lake Michigan last night.

The wreck we were on was only in 70' of water, but the fins worked out really nicely. They require less effort to kick and I noticed after a couple of dives trying to see just how soft I could kick and still move.

I have the feeling I was moving pretty fast with them, but don't know for sure because I didn't have any lines to go up and down to judge it. It just felt that way from when I had to equalize.

I didn't like them as well on the dolphin kick as with the flutter, but that just might take a little bi of tweaking to get it right.

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Good news Jon. The more I use them the better I like 'em. It is easy to kick too hard when you leave the surface and my speed is slower, but once you get moving and can open up the kick they are more efficient. On the ascent from 65 in 1:12 there was no leg burn. I took off one pound yesterday but things got too crazy with a big crowd and I didn't get a dive in. Hope to try on Sunday. Are you using a slower kick? Maybe even a slight pause.
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